a cartoon poster

in #cartoon7 years ago (edited)

i want to share with you all a glimpse of me making a cartoonstyle picture...!!

i can draw but i'm not good at it so i use the tools available to me in this high technological times... my PC with a big screen. a lot of pictures and jasc paintshop pro and other programs, and a lot of imagination.

I will take a one of my favorite cartonized pictures. "The battle at the Valkhof castle.."
and rip it to pieces! or is it the other way around...

de VREDE van NIJMEGEN cartoon so far beter bb.png

so what do we have here, a couple of knights , fighting each other, in front of a castle. the fight was over a girl, by the way, who spilled beer, she was called a whore and four guys came to the rescue... harharhar...!!

I wanted to make the picture perfect, so composition, color, background, foreground, and so on... have to be just right.
The first thing is to find all of the components...
for this picture i used 8 photos combined into one.

1: The castle...
I made a ton of photos from this scale model of the castle "The Valkhof"
I did an earlier post on the subject...!
It will be a prominent feature in my comicbook series "Elohibaluk"
there is more on "Elohibaluk" here: https://steemit.com/art/@elohibaluk/more-on-elohibaluk


This is the photo i used...!!


So, the castle i have, whats next.... i had to find 2: a sky, with beautiful clouds.
Thank god i love to photograph the sky, a lot.


also i needed 3: a hill and 4: a wall...! the wall is not on the scale model but it is there, you can believe me....!


muur goed=.png

The hill i found by google earth street view, somewhere in Ireland... print-screen and you can use it again....
The wall , i found it on google images... it is from a picture of the Vannes Remparts

And at the end i needed 8 knights in a fierce fight...
For that i used 4 photo's i took from a medieval cosplay weekend in Germany, knights fighting each other...

P1300247 leeg.png

And I end up, after a lot of photo-shopping, with this....!


And then comes the cartooning.
I make my cartoon pictures extremely big.... because of the details after cartonizing.
I have to make 7 or 8 copies of the picture in different filter settings...
here are two....!!


At the end i hard-copy with a digital clone-brush, from those 7 pictures all the good components together in one final picture.....!!

de VREDE van NIJMEGEN cartoon so far beter bb.png

high in details...

de VREDE van NIJMEGEN cartoon so far beter bbbb.png
de VREDE van NIJMEGEN cartoon so far beter bbb.png

This way i can make comicstyle art, not by drawing but take it to a completely other level...

and how did it end....
Blood and guts....!!!

kop er af b.png