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RE: Just Kitty : Raising kittens from birth - The joys of being a "Crazy Cat Lady"

in #cats7 years ago

Thank you heart-to-heart, i'm heart broken to hear about the kittens that haven't had the proper time to nurse and develop with their mother. It's one of the things that lead to personality disorders in Cats, almost making them impossible to be domesticated and receive love from a human family.

I had no idea that this was an issue in Bali, but I guess it probably is quite similar across the world. One thing as a responsible breeder, I make sure that I give my cats more than ample living space, as well as quality food and of course, lots of love! Even if some are re-homed, I make sure that I do some back ground checks on the people, and vet them to make sure they can properly take care of the cat for the long term.

Anyway, I'm really glad you found my posts interesting, as you know I do like travelling, and many people seem to like my travel posts quite a lot, so they have done quite well. But aside from that, I also like to share some insights into quite a number of things. You can take a look at my Idiom posts for some chinese culture and history, Miss Opinionated for some humour.

Again, really thank you for following me and taking the time to leave a sentimental comment.


Wow, thank you for such an authentic response. There are actual tears in my eyes hearing you express how you take care of your animals. You're right about it being a widespread problem, I have been traveling for a couple of years now, living out of our backpacks essentially with no home so I have never had a situation where I felt I could do much about it... but we just moved to Bali about 2 months ago and I noticed the stray population was out of control. I have seen this in other areas of the world, Central America specifically haunts me over the poor animals I saw there- there needs to be more knowledge, training, education about this. I adopted a puppy here after only a couple of days, she's only 8 weeks now and I have had her for 4! That means she's been away from her mom for at least 4 weeks that we know of and she is hard to connect with. She's feisty and doesn't understand affection unless she's tired so I believe it may have something to do with the personality disorder you mentioned just now, which brought on my tears. She was a rescue they found- (guess where?) -in the river! Some tourists found these 2 puppies barely alive and saved them, bringing them to the animal shelter. Ok, I'm going to stop breaking your heart now but now that we've talked about this, I really want to write an awareness piece on this issue- would you want to work together? My baby is sleeping beside me right now, and although we had her vaccinated, she caught a virus and we have to just wait it out, continuing to give her medication and hope she can fight through it. The animal shelter staff here do an incredible job trying to save as many animals as they can, but too many go uncared for, left in the streets, contracting and spreading disease and it is gut-wrenching. After all that heart-pouring, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of your kitties properly, it truly just warms my heart. I'm going to draft something about this issue since my heart is just exploding over it, let me know if you'd be interested in collaborating. Thanks for being sincere and authentic, the world needs that. Xo