My cousin Cot loves the waterbed his humans have. He will spend probably close to 70% of his napping time in that bed, dead to the world.
He gets in the most interesting, but comfy looking positions to sleep.
The bed, as you may know, is heated just like all waterbeds are. He sure enjoys that extra warmth! We kitties don't feel heat or cold the way humans do.
He always seems to just barely wake up when his human mom starts taking his pictures, and almost looks like he's had one too many, lol!
All this talk of sleeping is making ME sleepy! Think I'll go check out their waterbed for myself. Have a purrrr-fect night! I know I will!
I guess cats and waterbeds are an OK combination as long as no sharp claws cause any punctures... napping is the BEST, though!
Their boys never put out their claws in the bed! There was only one time recently when one of them; Cot I think, went to attack his human mom's braid and missed. There was a slight leak from that, but she is always prepared. No harm done. It's a wonderful place to sleep; so warm and toasty and soft!