Caturday, May 30th.....Yep, A little late

in #caturday4 years ago

I was having keyboard issues, so that's why I'm late. Since it's not having a problem now I decided to get this done.

Meet Rosie, my keyboard issue. She is the opposite of helpful. Don't let that cute little face fool you! :)


And this is Scooter.....No, he's not much help either, but he doesn't insist on standing or walking all over my keyboard!



Two are better than one! So glad to see your new companions. Welcome back to Caturday.

Hi @kirkoliver. Long time, no talk. I didn't know you had two new associates to assist with your TE sites. Hope their ideas are good ones. Can either design banners or work on your sites? That would be earning their keep then, wouldn't it.

Take care, and hope you're staying safe in this new health crisis environment.

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