Of course it's with still me! The difference is I started using a cat sized box on my lap to help stop her climbing me and prevent a few scratches. So far, this is working nicely.
That is the same angles that I was seeing her when I took the pic. My phone's camera isn't the greatest, so it's not as clear as I'd like.
The downside to using the box is that I can barely sit down before she comes to take her very long cat nap!
It looks like a good solution to me. You can never go wrong with cats and boxes. I don't know what it is with cats and boxes, but it's not just house cats. Put a box near a lion or a tiger and they'll get in the box.
Happy Caturday!
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So cool about your cat! Now that makes me think! I have a box or two that I could use for our cats 😊😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Boxes, shoulders, keyboards, flowerpots ... these cats are hilarious and therefore heart robbers 😻
My best wishes for your Sunday
What a cool idea....
Something about cats and boxes or small places that they can curl up in.... :)