Slowly gaining my footing

in #chacolast year

So, now i have mobile internet, installed a Wifi card in my PC to give Internet from my mobile to my PC. A bit weird for someone that allways relied on cables and to this day doesnt use anything but cables for anything else. No wireless keyboard or mouse nonsense here. Though from where im sitting i see why you may want to. Might consider it - or consider getting a proper table and chair rather than living on the floor, might also be an option. Though wireless mouse and keyboard would be cheaper than a chair and a table, yes.

At night, i have unlimited internet (well, at a terrible speed as at all other times, thats just mobile or really this place in general. Still often, espacialy at night unless its late night or early night, get well over 1MB/second, not the gigabit im used to but practicly speaking still plenty enough for most things.), just in the day i must very much limit my internet use or itll get expensive.

In any event, i have some stores closeby i can walk to on short notice, anything in town, well, thats quite some way, like 5km. One way.

The water in the taps does not come from a pumping station but from a tank, has to be delivered every now and then or the pipes are empty.

You know this place is quite dry. On the flip side, if it does rain the dusty red soil does not take up a lot of water easily.






In the back near one of the doors the roof didnt hold all of the water out, either.


Did get some lovely images of the clouds/sunset the day before the thunderstorm was here though




My Wallets:
Mobile Ethereum Wallet: 0xBeD4f8c1DC9fAf4bf2A368385899c09C78FA6Ac4
Bitcoin: bc1qqk506f2cgmqtw0k7tk5jxna2m3w2vde0vxrhle
Monero: 86j3eTJyJup1yfxfQwJfb52bubPLGUSvZNiaXjHYSYAqVaExqHz4fwMFhtuQVBd3HRUsmP9ED1Ebk6Grf6UNd7ED5oZhnvf
Doge: DGkYzp1m3rE4NG8ktEyXLjsGrKwjbcB1q5