My Thoughts on a British Messenger Pigeon getting a military medal during WW2, CB Radio Modems, making our own backup Internet for steemit using Mesh Networks and devices like wifi boosting Gotennas to become our Own Internet Service providers

in #chainbb-general7 years ago (edited)

Did you know a pigeon was awarded a medal by the british in WW2 for flying its message through gunfire and it had been repeatedly injured but got its message home!

I already went over my ideas about Bitcoin and thus Steemit over CB radio using CB radio modems, a real "dark" net, in this post, and I need to consolidate all of this into perhaps a chainBB subforum. Like Mesh network DIY wifi...or some sort of steemit gotenna partnership! I just think a truly decentralized ISP that allowed people to provide their own Internet connection without ATT or verizon or Comcast.

I feel powerless without my own ability to go online, I have to beg some big company to let me go online! Why can't we become our ownInternt service providers? There ought to be a mesh network, that maybe uses a few steemit users setup with physical devices, strong wifi antennas, as nodes to connect their local mesh network to the regular internet, through traditional ISP, but we need to have our own internet service provider just for steemit users and it must be worldwide and the only way I can think of us doing that right now is by setting up a grass roots mesh network using DIY wifi antennas and Gotenna type devices

And in my article go over these great new kickstarter funded GoTenna devices to extend your Smartphones wifi range. These would go great with these new Apps for iOS and Android apps like Fire Chat and Zombie Chat, apps that let you talk to people, even send files or voice messages or pictures, all "without internet"! JUST wifi!

It allows smartphones to connect wifi to wifi and can create big local mesh networks. A few solar powered dedicated goTenna devices in every city around the world would be great, hidden on rooftops, allowing for physical mesh networks to allow people to get online and just send messages, or post to steemit, or send or receive a bitcoin transaction.

This used to be science fiction and now its possible! So we should pursue it and slowly the networks will grow and eventually we will have a steemit user running our little steemit wifi node in every city on Earth and we will allow for people to always have that option to connect to steemit without using any traditional ISP! Eventually we launch our own steemit mesh network satellites that allow for anyone on earth to connect from a smartphone via their 4g right to our signal, it will just come from satellites instead of cell towers.

We need to be able to get on the blockchain, without using normal ISPs, we need to build our own backup internet so we can have control, we will do this and its not a matter or how but when.....

We are unstoppable at this point! we are funding ourselves, we all have our own smartphones too..and with a simple Gotenna type device we can probably create mesh networks between all the major cities on earth, and allow every steemit user to be able to connect to steemit blockchain and access their wallet, make posts, earn money, we all just need more portable solar powered battery packs, an we need to just purchase wifi routers powerful enough to broadcast a special private wifi network JUST for steemit users!

Theres a really cool project called a PirateBox which is basically a little hard drive with Wifi, and anyone can upload stuff to it, or download stuff off it, so it can sit it a neighborhood and anyone nearby can use it to download all sorts of pirated content, and you can only access it from its own wifi and so its not actually online....we need to create these for steemit, just solar powered wifi routers to allow anyone to connect to steemit blockchain through mesh networks that we fund and pay for to be everywhere by just installing thousands of these devices around the world! Just so we can get on steemit in an emergency!

Side effect? we create a truly decentralized internet back bone for the the whole world, Oops! hey many great discoveries and inventions happened by accident! Someone must have seen a tree with jungle vines fall off a cliff, and watched the leverage whip a bolder trough the air, and that must have been how early man got the idea for the very first catapult or trebuchet!

We should really start funding our very own Internet backup network! Even with CB radios and HAM radios! Messenger Pigeons if it came down to it! They could send out a messages to someone who reads it and types it out onto the steemit blockchain on their laptop or smartphone, now that would be a vanity, a gimmick, just to say "We sent a message to steemit over carrier pigeon" but posting or sending on steemit or using the wallet to send or recieve steem or SBD all by using some sort of CB radio message would be more helpful as CB and Ham radios are a form of long distance communication any of us could actually afford in an emergency!

But CB or Ham radio internet modems are kind of like antique novelties! They do serve a purpose in an emergency, but we should focus on utilizing things we all have in our pockets like smartphones and their built in wifi and 3g and 4g radio antennas!

We should be able to use ur smartphones 3g or 4g antennas to send and receive signals over much longer distances than wifi, however, WIFI itself can be boosted and sent very extreme distances. We should be making our own steemit branded mesh network internet antennas to create large mesh networks to cover every city! or even just pay for steemit users to get online if they need someone to pay their smartphone data billl!
(Great Article about the need for a decentralized internet no more ISPs, become your OWN internet service provider! we WILL climb up those trees with some hubcabs and build our own network as Louie CK joked about! )

we have a fund to pay for steemit users pane tickets when they cant afford them...
why not create a fund to pay for steemit users in the developing world who dont have enough money to even get online?

we should maybe even pay for smartphones preloaded with a few months or a year or data or service just cheap simple android smartphones (with GoTennas and a solar powered battery pack to keep it charged, and some extra $1 USB battery bricks) for the poorest steemit users who have to use net Cafes and would be able to do SO much more with their own smartphone from taking photos, making videos for youtube..

for so many people just having their own smartphone would allow them to post alot more and engage with steemit everyday! We have this magic technology and we should share it with everyone! theres more smartphones than humans now! One estimate puts it at over 10 Billion smartphones maybe twice that and we only have 7 billion humans!

So theres enough already for everyone to get at least 1! Its almost like that with motorcycles, and even cars in some countries. But lets stick to just the basic necessity of getting online and getting an internet signal anywhere on earth. Theres enough old androids for everyone! lets start collecting all those extra obamaphones they were just handing out like free candy here in the US, and start sending them for free to steemit users in developing world who need them!

This is truly the fourth industrial revolution, a Zeitgeist style Venus project type existence is here! You wont have to work, but you will want to! because you will actually get to retain the value of your money! When you save a bitcoin it stays a bitcoin and just becomes more and more valuable! You wont be depressed and bummed out about how we all use the federal reserve note and how its a scam, because we now use cryptocurrency and its finally a fair meritocracy! you will WANt to work! you will WANT to create, and do things you want to do, create art you always wanted to focus on, and if its good, you'll get upvotes, if you make something useful like program some new feature we need, steemit will give you thousands of dollars! The more useful your work is, the more you'll get paid!

I was talking with @stellabelle today and she reminded me that I basically work for steeit now! that we both did, and how its all happening under my nose and i dont even realize it! I had the idea that I am basically promoting steemit all over social media and in real life I tell everyone at my local legal marijuana dispensary to sign up on steemit I even printed up an Ad and posted it on the wall there! So Even promoting steemit itself is like a job now!

In a way we can "hire" anyone who needs the work! Steemit should just have a constant help Wanted sing up or a 'We're hiring" banner! We should just put out craigslist ads offering people a chance to work from home, all from blogging, and just refer people to sign up for steemit when they email you with their resume asking about the job, or simply reveal that the website is and encourage the reader of this job posting to go ahead and signup on the website!

When they get approved they will get excited, and simply guide them over email! tell them to start posting on steemit, maybe send em a little tip, tell them to post an introduction, upvote their new posts, show them the ropes, make it clear that you aren't actually some company looking to offer anyone a paycheck, that you are just offering an opportunity!

It is an opportunity to make money blogging, and of course some people are going to complain and bite the hand that feeds them, just ignore them, an lets start marketing for steemit and get steemit's user numbers up! were only 172,000 users strong ( ) but we could get to 1 million this year I believe! Using craigslist and other job or work posting websites we could seriously funnel thousands of new people into steemit this way! An if they do start posting good stuff, they WILL end up earning as much money from steemit as they would doing this for any other website or writing articles as a job working for anyone else!

Dawn of a new golden age, this truly is! Yoda would be proud of us!

The Internet is a type 1 civilization communication system, We are only a Type 0.6 MAYBE 0.7 now with bitcoin because Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is a Type 1 Civilization Monetary system! LOL do you think they will be using paper money on Mars? hah! So we are on our way now to a new global monetary system! And remember, if the banker elite loose all their money, they will loose all their power! No one will do what they say if they cant pay the paychecks of their goons! We will be able to afford the goons now!

We wont have to worry about these banksters clawing onto their oney trying to hold their power, people claim 'Oh they wont just let go of their power that easily" well luckily its not up to them! They have already lost the war they can still slowly try converting alot of their fake paper wealth into crypto but its already too late! Most of their fake printed derivative wealth will not carry over into the new economy! We will have nw elites people who had to earn their money, people who couldn't just print up money and give it to their friends! Control a nations money supply you conrool the government! well we all have a piece of this new money supply we will all be the new elites and steemit is going to be perched up there as BIG as ay other altcoin! Steemit will grow much bigger than even ethereum! We might even get a marketcap up there with bitcoin in the 20 to 30 billion dollar range!

Not just for a few but for everyone! we will ALL be able to feel good, guilt free, the entire world will be lifted out of poverty alll at one time! Steemit will pbe a huge part of this! Steemit went from nothing to over 300 million market cap in a little over a year! we are going to hit 1 billion probobly this year and we will hit the hundreds of billions one day soon! Alll that money will be OURS to control and direct! we can finally fund all the amazing microfinance projects arond the world we can help people help themselves alll throughout the developing world!

Steemits new wealth will help us with whatever we need! Why dont people believe steemit will become a billion dollar website? amazonis a half a billion dollar company! facebook is a 200 billion dollar company....and you dont think steemit is worth at least as much as facebook?!?!?!? Facebook is built on nothing special while steemit is built on a fucking solid gold money shitting golden goose factory ! Thats how valuable steemits blockchain and alll of steemits underlying technology is! Its worth BILLIONS to the world! And the world is slowly waking up to that fact!