STEEMIT ADVICE - You can earn from comments much more than you earn from posts

in #chainbb-general7 years ago

I have been on steemit for more than two months and lately I am not earning a lot from my posts, but I've noticed something good. You can earn much more from comments than you do from posts, but you have to know what and how to comment ! Do not leave random or meaningless comments !

So if you want to earn from commenting you have to be ready to read what people write, because people that create good posts need good feedback as well. Don't be a spammer that spams the same comment everywhere, or writes some words like : ''Good, nice, good work, well done ...etc. ''. That doesn't work on steemit, read the whole post, try to write your real opinion about what you read there.

Usually I comment hot and trending posts. It will be also good if you comment promoted posts because people paid money to put them there. So they are more interested to reward people who give them meaningful comments !

Look what I earned a few days ago from my comments :

Comment that brought me about a dollar :

Comments that brought me more than a dollar or even several dollars :

I didn't use to do my best to write those comments and I earned anyway. I will try to do my best now to comment more and better, to post less because you don't just earn money from your comments, you also earn reputation and you will be well known on steemit. So go ahead and comment with good and useuful comments and get rewarded !

Keep following @Clixmoney for more interesting news about cryptocurrency world.

Youtube channel - Twitter - Instagram - GOLOS - FACEBOOK GROUP -RESTEEM TO BE RESTEEMED

The giveaway continues I still send 0.01 sdb to random people who will upvote and resteem my new posts.

Go ahead, upvote and resteem and receive your prize ☺



what do you mean ?

I will upvote every constructive comment I get on Steemit with 5-10 cents in order to create a WIN-WIN-WIN.

You win by having me upvote and follow you, I win by having great comments and more followers and above all Steemit wins by getting better content.

@chainbb-general is the first one who benefited from my proposal with this very post, congratulations!

Find out more

Double truth. I just upvoted your comment.

Makes sense. As long as you stick to criteria that the post or comments you upvote have to have some inherent value.

Can't be a bot-like upvote


They do and the rules are stated in my post. Would appreciate feedback on my little venture!

yes there is truth in this, i did read that you earn more if you wait 20 mins or so before you comment though, perhaps someone can clarify that. Resteemed and upvoted

Based on my experience I think that if your comment has actual value to someone (for example useful/helpful in some way) they will probably upvote your comment.
You could also get upvotes If your comment is relevant to the post and/or funny.
However I received a lot of spam-like comments lately and I'm simply just ignore the one-two word spammer comments.
People who comment things like "nice post" are spammers and they are just showing how ignorant they are.
They doesn't really care about your content. They just wants attention for their own good.

I like the quality vs quantity advice you've given. I just got started a week or so ago and there's definitely a learning curve to this site and you're absolutely right that if one posts QUALITY posts then generally the person gets rewarded moreso than if you post a bunch of short, uninteresting spammy stuff.

I wasn't sure what to expect and I've played around with what kind of content I post and am starting to find my niche here.

Great advice regarding commenting and upvoting others too! My first day or two I was only up to a few dollars in rewards total. My wife posted similar things and she did much better and I couldn't figure out why (is it easier for women...well, not necessarily). After a couple of days I went and read some other people's posts, commented and upvoted, and spent time interacting with people which gained me some more exposure. THe next morning I got up and I had about $80 that had accrued on my several first posts overnight.

I've struggled to understand the payout system and how payments / rewards are allotted and I think your post gives good insight into this.

A quality post can take an hour or so to craft. I've spent two hours on a single post about technical analysis of crypto currency charts but I got rewarded for it so it was time well-spent (and I had fun doing it).

Keep the helpful info coming! I've followed you and I'll upvote your stuff as I like the content.

thanks, this is the kind of comments that I like ! You are doing well, you will succeed for sure ☺

I’ve earned greater than ~$100 for my comments a few times, such as this recent one on my own blog post, which was greater than the reward for the blog post at the time of writing this. I think I once was rewarded $500+ for a comment.

A comment can provide some unique point that some whale or dolphin might find important enough to upvote with 100% SP; whereas, they might not agree so emphatically with your entire blog. But still it is good to write blogs as well to increase your reach and following. Social networking is all about building relationships and a reputation. Social networking marketing could also include other strategies such as gamification (subset of psychological matching and manipulation).

You are right, thanks for such good comment !

You have my 100% upvote slider power , i simply could not agree with you more.
As you know i have over 2700 steem power and am ctively upvoting constructive comments on my post. See for yourself @blockchainttmft

Picking out the spammy comments is easy. I swear you could post about something horrible that happened in your life and there'd be a few comments saying "nice", "great post", "keep up the good work" and so on.

Leaving genuine comments doesn't take a lot of work, especially if people actually read the content and content they like, and not just the title of the post. Some don't even do that lol.

Funny when you write omething horrible that happened in your life and some one write ''nice'' ☺lol

I hope you like the post :)

Thank you @clixmoney. I learned something today.

There is a lot of truth to this and I do not usually leave meaningless stuff, because I don't want it on my posts. ;)

thanks for the support even if it was 6 months ago, I just noticed it :)

Thanks for sharing. I'm new. I have to admit that I tried to make some random crap comments to have just placed some comments and see how this is gonna work ;-)
I'll try to be better value to the community and add better content. Your post helped me, thanks

I have exactly the same experience, I even got almost one dollar from @gentlebot for a comment, incredible that bots can determine which comments are better than others!

i too experienced same..the good comments get good value.

You have to say ( me too ) , it's more correct I think 😉

I've done well from comments and I'll reward good responses

Upvoted, following and resteemed.

Great topic for newbies like me to use this platform on 100%. Will be honoured if you drop some advice to a topic I started:

I will send you reward next time just if you change your way to post a link, it's possible to write better link by addinig this '[' this in the begining of the text and this ']' in the end and then add a link between this ( ) for example here is your link : Tips Or Tricks? Steemit Users Please Help a Newbie.

Thank you for your kind answer. And even kinder hard. Will learn to improve.

This post has received a 1.14 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @clixmoney.

I fully agree with your post. I've been commenting more lately on posts I can relate to. I actually think that you can bring as much value by commenting that publishing your own post. Thanks for sharing!

you are very welcome ☺

You are totally right!!! In order to be succesful we need to engage engage engage!!!! I took a few days off and my blog looks like its down with the flu and is dying a death lol!!! I dont even know best ways to get the attention for viewers to see my posts! Sometimes I feel they are been seen by 3 people! Thata bad! Real bad!

I didn't know that! Very helpful! Thanks!

You are welcome ☺

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by clixmoney from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Thanks a lot for this info.. Now I know how to earn here since i'm just new here.. it's a big help.. 😊😊😊

Good too know, I'm be trying to blast away with my comments !

Have been witnessing the same things. Some of my posts just aren't doing great then there are the posts of others where I made comments that are bringing in more. I wanted to quit steemit but then decided to h

yes this is steemit, I am not thinking to earn good money from it this year maybe in the next couple years when we will have more people on it and when my followers will have good steem power, but I will fight for that, steemit now is for very strong people that don't give up, I will not ☺

Steemit keeps on amazing me every day - not all people are writers but they enjoy reading and have good insights, so it is wonderful that they can also earn money for giving their opinion and earn some money that way - also hopefully a motivator for people to let go of the "vote for me or follow me and I will follow back" crap. Enjoyed your post, resteeming

Ok this is very weird - There is no resteem button on this post??? Did I break something?

O never mind, I only see now that it is an old post -

you can resteem my newest posts : A lot of useful steemit tools 🔧

Will do thanks

thanks a lot ☺

This is what Im looking for. An information regarding giving comments. I always ask myself what is the technique to become a good steemiah curator. I usually comment on my feed but now Ill change my lifestyle. Giving comment now to other is my main focus, especially the promoted ones.

yeah it's good and it helps a lot.

good post, i would have thought that steem would reward posts more before reading... :)

you are welcome, thanks ☺