"The moment I will have to pass to Eternity". In memory of those who passed away due to the Volcano of Fire in Guatemala

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Life is so short ... nobody knows the day or the time when our soul will separate from our body.


From the moment we arrive to this world, the clock of our life begins, the one that counts one after another our days, the one that will stop the last day, the day of our death.

And that clock is continuously moving at this moment. And we ask ourselves, will I be just at the beginning, in the middle, or near the end of my days? I have probably already traveled half of my trip ...

Death makes a separation from everything, it is a farewell to honors, to your loves and longings, to family, to friendships, to material things, a goodbye to everything.

And that day in the calendar only God knows.

We get prepared for an exam, for some celebration, for a trip. And for the moment when I have to go to eternity? Am I ready?

Sometimes we understand what life really is, in a disease. What is life and time for you?

Some people say that time is money. That time is pleasure. But for me, time is the Kingdom of God, and a happy eternity. Everything else comes in addition.


In the Word of God there are two passages that mark the difference of a life with purpose, and I want to share them at this moment:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romanos 10:9-10

Let's fight for our life. To live with dignity, taking advantage of each day to be happy.

Surrender all your problems to God and put your mind and thoughts in freedom. The free mind LIVES every moment perceiving every detail, examining everything and retaining the good for itself.

Every step in your life, do it safely, accept yourself and love yourself as you are. And love others as they are. Do not pretend to change anyone.
Do not try to change the world because everything is in the hands of God, and He knows it.


In memory of all children, young people, adults and the elderly who died in June 3, 2018 by the Volcano of Fire in Guatemala.

May the Lord take all these people to Heaven to be with Him.

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That is why we must enjoy each day, manifest our love to our partners, children, relatives, friends. Very spiritual, I loved it.

Thanks vensurfer!

I am guilty of forgetting sometimes that we all are going to die one day. That is a powerful reminder that life is too short and we should make the most out of it. Thanks!

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