Text: 2Corintian 5:21
"For he had made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made, the righteousness of God in him (i.e. the righteousness of God in Christ)"
Christ was deliberately made to be sin by God the Father on our behalf while on the Cross at Calvary. What that means is; He was made to be the sin itself (past, present and future sins) of the entire humanity.
There has been a substitution here; Because the sin of the entire humanity was placed on Jesus, who knew no sin at all. And Christ righteousness was replaced with the sin that was removed from us, because we can't be left empty, something must fill up the position sin originally occupied in us.
This makes us become sinless without sin.
To become sinless and without sin, is what justification is all about. By this act of God upon Jesus Christ, we became Justified (Just as if we have never sin in our entire life).
Romans 5:1 Buttress this:
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:"
From the above scripture, you will see that our faith is the activator. That activates our justification.
The question arises.
Faith in what?
Faith in all Jesus Christ did to redeem us out of spiritual death in the kingdom of satan and translated us into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
What are the things Jesus Christ did?
They are:
- His suffering.
- His death on the cross at calvary.
- His resurrection from the dead.
- His ascension to heaven and His glorification.
Faith in all these complete work of salvation, is what gives us justification.
Christ righteousness was now released and given to us as a gift on the platform of grace. We now have the righteous nature of Christ in us, this now put us in a right standing with God. Without any consciousness of guilt or inferiority complex.
What that means is that, every believer is capsulated, enveloped and submerged in the righteousness of God in Christ.
Take Note the phrase; "In Christ"
I.e. inside of Christ.
Such that, when God looks at you, as a believer, all He is seeing is the righteousness of God inside of Christ enveloping you. He sees you enveloped completely in the righteousness of God in Christ.
Therefore, if this is how God sees you, then begin to see yourself like that too. I.e. as a righteous personality.
Stop looking at yourself from human perspective, that only see things from the natural realm. The natural realm is full of limitations and impossibilities.
But, begin to look at yourself from God's perspective. Which is the supernatural realm, that has no limitations and the realm in which all things are possible.
If God says you are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, that is exactly who you are.
All you need is to JUST TO BELIEVE in the infallibility of the word of God that declares you righteous on the platform of His Grace.
Once you do this, you will realise that, you can easily enter into the Throne of grace (which is the power house of Faith) with boldness and confidence without any condemnation, guilt or inferiority complex, and have all your heart desires, inline with His will granted.
Some body asked!
You mean just like that?
It is on the platform of His Grace,
For God is a gracious God.It is a reflection of God's LOVE.
For GOD IS LOVE.It is a reflection of God's compassion towards us.
For God is a compassionate God, who is full of compassion.It is a reflection of God's MERCY.
For God is a merciful Father and mercy we all know, rejoices over Judgement.It is a reflection of God's Goodness.
For God is a Good God.
And God is Good at all time.It is a reflection of His Kindness towards us.
This post was feautured in the TCCNS (Tuesday Christian Curation Night Show. https://steemit.com/tccns/@seyiodus/the-success-of-the-tuesday-christian-curation-night-show-tccns-with-seyiodus-though-few-yet-interesting. This is to inform you.
@seyiodus Thanks for the opportunity to present this article at the recent Christian curation Night show. That was my first time such kind of show. Believe me it was quite interesting.
I was really blessed through the program.
You guys are doing a great job.
Keep it up
🎶 Wooot! This post has been manually curated by @GodWaves, the Christian Community Network and Sunday Radio Show on MSP-Waves, courtesy of @globocop.🎵
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We are a choosing generation..... Thanks.
Sure we are.
Thank you
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The sacrifice of Jesus can not be over emphasized. He loves us so much and gave his life. What are we giving in return?Thsnks for sharing
You are welcome my Sister.
We Just thank God for Christ.
Wow, good development for it to be featured in TCCN.
This post is just too well packaged for anyone who reads it because he or she would definitely grab the information with hands wide open due its potency as to how it gives clearer explanation about what many people do not know about.
Christ in me the hope of glory!
Glory to God!