Christians On Steemit? Let Us Follow And Support Each Other (Pt. 7) Join The Christian-Trail

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Hi fellow believers, for new steemit members and those not aware there are many brethren with whom you can connect here, it is a growing community that will help you grow here, if it is the Lord's will for you to be here. Here are a few ways for us to find and support each other:

if it is part of God's plan for our lives to be spending time here (we should be seeking if so) than He will bless it, whatever that purpose is, whether it's to lead others to Him, edify, encourage, pray for others, bless financially or a combination of any or all.

So let's be seeking His mind on what we do here, if out of step with Him we will be wasting the time that we will be held accountable for one day...
As the Lord's will is to prioritize "the household of faith" let's make a point to do so, following every believer that has been led here, giving each others posts priority for upvoting and commenting on, if done so we can than be sure that the blessings will follow, as He wills.

With this in mind I suggest making Christian-trail ( the first topic sig that we look at each time we log on here, as it is the one that is supported by the community here. Visit the headings at the top for all and older content.

Also, Christian-trail as a supported community upvotes those who use the tag with a curating trail that can be found at and can be joined (recommended Voting Power minimum of 100) when doing so you will automatically be upvoting other members posts at a voting % of your choosing. This is a good way to assure daily support of the brethren while also increasing the monetary blessing of the trail upon it's members.

Be blessed! We'll see you on the trail..



I'm delighted to find fellow walkers-with-Christ! Ha Ha! My heart rejoices!

Amen! C u on the trail.

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

What a blessing to see this wonderful christian community on steemit, which help each other like early christian!

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

I've been searching for a christian community here on steemit for days and I am very glad I found your post. This is a really one of the great ways to spread Jesus unconditional love. :-) Thank you for this post @wilx. GOD BLESS

Welcome, God bless.

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

Praise God for the Christian Fellowship. My wife and I are permanent missionaries in the Philippines and Eastern Asia. My heart is to win souls, advance the kingdom, making disciples of nations. They will know we are His disciples as we have love one for another! God bless!

Amen, good meeting, c u on the trail.

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

I’ve already begun following some of you, I’ll be adding some more obviously! My focus will be on producing original prayers to help people with their prayer practice. Peace and blessings. ~GenXRev

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

I am very happy when I read your post, my heart overflowed because I can find brothers in faith in this community. Even though you are in the other hemisphere and I also believe many brothers in faith in other places, that distance is not a separator for us. we are one in Christ, His achievement has united us. I am very glad we can pray for each other. I am from Indonesia, and I have not found any brothers in my faith from Indonesia, I want to have a community like this, although I do not know how. Someday I will find it. God bless you and use you to be a blessing to the nations.

Amen, God bless you..

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

God bless you @wilx another inspiring word of. God...stay bless upvoted and resteem

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D


Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

@wilx thanks for promoting this, I see this as a great encouragement for all Christians in the community.

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35.

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2.

Thank you once again. God bless!

Thank you for sharing this community. I have been looking for something like this on Steemit. My upvotes are starting to gain some strength now so I'll know which tag to look for.

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

I am very new to this platform and this is good encouragement, from other fellow believers.

Praise God, welcome..

This call is timely. I resteem it

Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

Amen !


Hello, i'm following you now as part of the Christian-Trail. please follow back and have a great week :D

Amen Brother Wil :)

2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?


Where shall we go?

Click on the blue links.


This is great.I am new but shortly also be contributing the little knowledge I have too through posting.

Keep doing a great job @wilx.

This is great !It will afford Christians the opportunity of following their kinds in faith .

I have decided to follow everyone here. I will be very appreciative if others could as well follow @whyaskwhy!!

Please do!!!!

@minnowpond1 has voted on behalf of @minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond. To be Resteemed to 4k+ followers and upvoted heavier send 0.25SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo

@royrodgers has voted on behalf of @minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond. To be Resteemed to 4k+ followers and upvoted heavier send 0.25SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo

I find this really great. I agree with you.
We should connect and support each other.

I'm still learning ... exactly how does one join this "Christian Trail"?

You go to and join it under Curation trail u will than be upvoting all posts that are tagged Christian-Trail. However a minimum of 100 Steem Power is suggested otherwise not much benefit to either you or others. Otherwise make sure to tag your Christian related posts with CT and you will be upvoted by it. Support others on it too by upvoting their posts and commenting will help u connect and grow faster here.

Thank You so muh @wilx

Praise God for your ministry here in steemit. God bless you and I'm following you, I am also a Christian :-)

I am much happy to join (formally now) the amazing christian-trail. You have been some of the few upvoting me despite me not really follow ign and engaging.

A true selfless christian spirit.

I am glad, and will now get to knowing more, acquainting more with other Christians.

Thanks. I'm glad I came across this article. Glad to see so many fellow believers...God Bless!

A friend recommended your site and i think i will regularly visit your post. Glad to. Chat and learn more from fellow steemian.

I missed this long time ago. Good to find this. Following some guys here.

happy to join this christian community
God bless you and your ministry..

What a blessing to see this wonderful christian community i like

This is a great plan!!! May God bless it.

Many blessings.

Hello brother that excellent initiative, I have been a little numbed but this community has helped me I am following the Christian Trail from today, thank you very much for the support

Excellent initiative brothers.

Wishing God'sBlessings to all.

God bless you!

I'm very new on steem and so happy to found that community. let us be SALT and LIGHT on steemit and Co. Heavenyeah! have good day all together.
PEACE and GRACE. sue

Saludos hermanos el señor les parece excelente que podamos crecer en unidad en esta comunidad y extender el Evangelio del señor y apoyarnos mutuamente.El Señor nos continúe bendiciendo