Compassionate Love

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"The supreme happiness of life," Victor Hugo said, "is the conviction that we are loved." "Love is the first requirement for mental health," declared Sigmund Freud.
unfortunately, many people go through life feeling unloved and unlovable. Perhaps they were constantly criticized or ignored as children, or their family was torn by conflict. Perhaps they made a bad choice about important issues in life which only confirmed their belief that they were unworthy of love. this may be your experience.

But listen: I have good news! No matter the reason, your feelings aren't telling you the truth.
God loves you, and if you begin to see yourself the way God sees you, your attitudes will begin to change. If He didn't love you, would Christ have been willing to die for you? But He did! The Bible says "By this, we know love because He laid down His life for us" (1 John 3:16).

God loves you. hammer that truth into your heart and mind every day.
It will make all the difference.