in #christian6 years ago (edited)


"The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand"
John 10 v 27-28

Hearing His voice is something we should expect; it is something we should strive for, if we are not already hearing His voice. If we do hear, we have an obligation to listen, not to ignore it, or let other voices drown it out.

Those who hear, and listen (and obey by implication) are promised life eternally with Him and the security of knowing that no one can snatch us out of the safety of His hands.

We need to be in a POSITION to LISTEN

2019 is a year of positioning and preparing myself to be ready. Ready to do what He asks, ready to hear and to listen. I don't make new year resolutions, because God's mercies are new every morning. But what I do like to do at the beginning of each year is to seek God and see where He wants me to grow or mature in that coming year. His Word for me over the last few weeks of 2018 was to be ready. I can't be ready if I don't listen to Him.

If you haven't already, I urge you to spend some time with Him, in His Word and in prayer to ask Him what He would like you to focus on this year. If you do make new year resolutions, then ask Him to guide you in to what you need to start doing (or stop doing), and pray about it, so that you set yourself up for success.

A very Happy New Year.