Life without God.

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)


Life without God is a life without meaning, because life without God is a life full of stress, anguish, depression, fear and anxiety.

We were designed to have a direct connection with our Creator, enjoy a paradise full of peace, love and much prosperity, but the consequences of living away from God, result in the broken and anarchic world we see today.

It was sin that not only took us away from God but brought us all the atrocities of today; but God who is a perfect and loving Father, sent us his Son Jesus Christ to save us from eternal punishment. You just have to believe in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins and be willing to change leaving sin behind in order to be saved.

Your life can change radically if you have God in it, because although God does not guarantee us the total absence of problems, if he assures us that with Him we can overcome them in the best way and emerge victorious.

This world is ruled by the devil since Adam sinned, but those of us who are with Jesus Christ are more than conquerors because He has already conquered the world for us. He said the following: "In the world you will have affliction but trust, because I have overcome the world".


Without God we are nothing, but with him we have everything.