I am the type of person who has to wrap a perfect gift. Call me a perfectionist, call it OCD I don’t know what to call it but they have to be perfect... I’m constantly telling myself that it is getting ripped open, why put yourself through this torture lol... Well I continue to make them perfect. See I don’t even understand myself. I could understand if it was 1 gift for select person but these are gifts for children... I dedicate hours, Days even to doing this. Well with 2 Days left, I’m about to just shove it all under the tree. This is it. Next year there all getting gift cards. Even the baby. I’m so done wrapping for the rest of my LIFE! My feet hurt, my hands hurt, my head hurts... I’m over it. You can actually see the exhaustion of wrapping progress through gifts... hahaha 😂 ... They all start so nice and now there a crumpled mess.
If that wasn’t enough of an issue I have a problem with the gifts not matching my decor for Christmas. Okay this years theme is a teal blue, gold, silver and white. So when I buy wrapping paper I MAKE SURE IT MATCHES... well my Husband has the idea to give each of the kids $100 to shop for everyone. Well he also wanted to buy them there own paper. Why is it that this amazing adorable man, wants to buy RED? Red... I honestly am not that big of an issue, or high maintenance, but Christmas is the one time of year I go all out and get to decorate the house. I seen his paper and bows while we’re shopping at target and almost had a melt down (hahaha). I literally gave my poor husband the silent treatment while there because he would not CHANGE the damn colors... I almost had a nervous breakdown... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME???? It is just paper. But I want it to look perfect. WHY? For 100 pictures? Okay and what after that. I literally bury the gifts that don’t match. I’ve even thought of wrapping over them. Do I need a therapist?
Why does a 9 month old need so much SHIT? I went crazy. He’s so fun to shop for. But I do know having 7 kids that I’ll be opening his gifts that I wrapped... and he will just want to eat the paper. And then I will have to clean up all this paper that he has now played with, and that I spent hours wrapping with...
2 gifts for each older kid that is it, then some cash! Easy as Pie... All kids love money... I’m so happy they do love money and don’t look at it like, your lazy and don’t know me! Lol... I don’t feel like going through the emotions of them telling me my gifts suck really. So here you go!
7 year old princess! She gets gifts no money. Pretty sure she don’t even believe in Santa anymore because she was talking and says “Daddy is going to buy, I mean Santa is going to get me” lol... okay so is she pretending for us? Because we are pushing it into her head. She wants the magic to live for us?
I had to take her shopping for the family gifts. OMG THAT WAS AWEFUL! The gifts that she is getting people. She wanted to get me a rug... not a nice rug, some doormat. I definitely directed her over to the kitchen stuff 😊... I love my gifts 🎁 ... she knows me so well. Well after that she got some shampoo for her brother 😂. A lightbulb for her dad, she called it a “glowball” and a coloring book for her 14 year old sister. She also wanted to get her baby brother some littlest pet shop toys 😂😂😂... hmmm who’s that for. Once she seen these toys it was no longer about Christmas for everyone else it was all about me buying her them. She even tried to negotiate. Telling me she wont ask for anything ever again. I ended up buying them and wrapping them without her knowing. Thanks kid for helping me shop for you. Then she wants to get a bunch of blankets for people. She throws them in the cart and hops in and ends up falling asleep... I think they just looked comfy and she wanted to use them. Mission eventually was a success and got out of there. She fell asleep in the car and I guess she didn’t put her seatbelt on 😡, because when I got home she was upside down asleep on the seat like a bat.
Well thank all the stars that Christmas is once a year. I am going to start wrapping gifts in July. Be done by October. My new mission.
And how about those Christmas Cookies? Hahaha. I have the stuff sitting on the counter for a week. Keep saying I’m going to do it. How about some New Years Cookies instead? I’ll have a bunch of kids home from school for 2 weeks. I’ll just have them make them. It will look like the Keebler Elf Factory... (I think that’s how Keebler is spelled)
All I can say is Christmas got here to fast and It is hitting me like a tornado of shit left to do. I’ll probably still be wrapping gifts in Christmas. While eating cookie dough!
Instead of wrapping and making cookies I’m writing this post lol.
Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope you all enjoy it! ‘Tis the season to procrastinate!
Note2self: Next years Christmas theme is candy land ( multi color) and the kids wrap there own gifts!
Christmas is a season of love. A season to show love by sharing, so youve done a great job, and I humbly commend your effort
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