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RE: Is Cicada 3301 the New Nostradamus? This is a #QAnon crowd must See... on DTUBE!

in #cicada33017 years ago

"Eagles rain fire on the Canaanite, as the merchant of wine challenges Cyrus, the sword of Lilly joins forces with Jacob's adopted children."

It seems to contain references to the Scripture and history as far as I can tell:

Eagle: symbol of the U.S./Western Empire

Canaanites: Modern-day Arabs (local tribes as commonly referred to in the O.T.)

Merchant of wine: again, the U.S., referencing modern day Babylon in the N.T. and the "wine of her fornication" being the entertainment/media industry

Cyrus: Persian Empire, i.e. modern day Iran.

Sword of Lily: armies of europe, lily representing virgin mary/catholic church/europe (not realy sure nor care)

Adopted children of Jacob: Modern day jews in israel, as askenazim are from khazari/non-hebrew origin.

Frankly, I think it's just a bunch of obfuscated deepity bullcrap that is vague enough to fit a bunch of scenarios for a war in middle east. If they have some deep wisdom, why not communicate it plainly like normal human beings do?