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RE: My Thoughts and Ramblings on TV and Movies

in #cine4 years ago

As ecoinstat had stated, hollywood dying is true. Well the hollywood cinema is dying, but it still is a booming industry as it is now a well established mecca of content creators of evrytype, like influnecer to yotubers and what not. But cinema as art still has miles to go! What is needed is a few capable hands.

Think of how we can grow and become something more, something better -- something impactful.

The potential is limitless. If we do it right, i can picture even great film makers rising up from our tiny tribe in near future. Till then, fingers crossed.


Im glad I am not alone feeling this. It's not us, I think the movies are meant to be shallow - and decrease IQ these days lol. I find myself constantly disappointed with Netflix these days. I think I am just going to unsubscribe and revert to reading books (didn't mean to sound virtuous lol). I can just channel my disappointment into reading my still unread books.

@diabolika! Nice to see you on my feed again. I am sometimes graced by your presence from time to time. Are you still world travelling?

I feel @cineman's thoughts though. There is an underbelly of fresh new talent that aren't getting a look in right now. It'll be nice to see what happens in the next few years as a power vacuum is created :)

I plan to be more present around here lol.

Are you still world travelling?

No! Oh my Gawd. I suggest you visit my blog sometimes. ;)

There is an underbelly of fresh new talent that aren't getting a look in right now.
Okay let s see about that.

No! Oh my Gawd. I suggest you visit my blog sometimes. ;)

Your wish is my command lol