Op Ed: HA Goodman’s “But Her Top Secret Emails” And The Backlash Against Independent Media

In the last year, the public has witnessed the unprecedented exposure of Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s corruption. The gravity of the exposure of Clinton’s abuse of power cannot be understated. For the first time in recent political memory, the variance between reality and the legacy press narrative was plainly visible.

Filling this factual gap, were publishers like Wikileaks and independent media voices on all sides of the political spectrum, such as HA Goodman, who has tirelessly discussed the issues that establishment media fear to discuss much less investigate. .

As we approach a year since Hillary Clinton failed to take the Whitehouse, independent journalist and author H.A. Goodman has published a short book, titled “But Her Emails.” The publication provides an important overview of the incredible series of events of the last year, which have gone chronically under-reported by legacy press, and largely ignored by authorities.

Whether Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff were simply inept, or intentionally acted illegally and recklessly, Goodman points out the glaring disparity between a history of extreme prosecution of whistleblowers and Former FBI Director James Comey’s verdict that Clinton “lacked intent” when she emailed sensitive data to her staffers who did not have security clearances.

One very interesting issue Goodman analyzes in his text includes the fact that the first three months of Clinton’s emails are entirely unknown, so we have no way of truly estimating the number of ‘missing emails.’ Additionally, Goodman points out, that we can’t be sure how Clinton and her staff transferred extremely sensitive data from Government facilities to her private server. He writes:

“Top Secret, Special Access Program intelligence, and over 2,000 classified emails made their way onto Clinton’s private server, but it’s impossible to forward data from SIPRNet and JWICS. It’s also illegal to remove data from a SCIF and place it onto a private server outside the U.S. government.”

This is a disturbing point because it strongly depicts the direct intent with which the material must have been removed. It was not a case of careless emailing; and even if it was, as Goodman states, anyone other than Hillary Clinton, it seems, would have been prosecuted for the same actions. He describes James Comey as “psychoanalyzing, rather than prosecuting.”

Goodman’s work also raises concern regarding the fact that Clinton’s servers were unencrypted. Although Goodman does not speculate as to possible motive for this, he does indicate that such severe ineptitude in this matter seems almost comically unlikely. He states:

“In addition to all the lapses of security, Clinton’s emails could be remotely accessed by not only Clinton’s staff, but also by hackers around the world. The FBI acknowledged this fact, but Comey still believed there was no criminal intent involved in hiding emails for convenience, at the expense of national security.”

It appears to this author that one strong explanation for both Clinton’s failure to encrypt her private server and the extreme lengths she and her staff went to in order to transfer classified intelligence to that server, suggests the possibility that the material was intended to be made easily available for various entities to access, possibly in return for payment. Goodman places some hope in a proper investigation of the matter with Comey’s FBI replacement Christopher Wray.

It is extremely important that independent journalists like H.A. Goodman are willing to discuss these serious issues and the specific evidence surrounding them, while legacy media outlets do not. It speaks to our current political climate that basic questions as to how Clinton was able to move highly classified intelligence from secure government facilities onto her private server have been unanswered by authorities. Meanwhile, most press has failed to simply ask such questions. That Goodman has tirelessly pursued these issues is a testament to his integrity.

Unfortunately, the success of independent media in voicing such concerns has resulted in a major backlash against a wide variety of anti-establishment opinions by tech giants Google, Youtube and Facebook. Disobedient Media previously reported on the censorship of both left and right leaning anti establishment press as well as social media outlets.

With current censorship of independent media running rampant, it remains to be seen as to whether independent journalists like HA Goodman, Tim Black, Caitlin Johnstone and others will be successfully cut away from their audience via increasingly outlandish censorship measures. In this author’s opinion, that would constitute a failure of our society almost on par with James Comey’s failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton.


Thank you. It's baffling to me, the way that so many folks seem honor bound to look the other way when it comes to the server. The very idea that Clinton did anything wrong or could possibly have done anything wrong is apparently anathema to a disturbingly wide set of minds. The evidence is sitting right out in public, including evidence of intent. It isn't going away... and must be addressed. Nice article.