To state the obvious, there's no incentive for top 20 witnesses to do anything while there's no competition for votes. Still, it's hard to believe no one ran simulations and stress tests on a testnet.
Nice tags, btw!
To state the obvious, there's no incentive for top 20 witnesses to do anything while there's no competition for votes. Still, it's hard to believe no one ran simulations and stress tests on a testnet.
Nice tags, btw!
Word on the street is, only perhaps 15% of our top-20 witnesses even participated in the testnet. (I have not independently confirmed this because nobody with that info is willing to share it.) But I believe all of the top-20 witnesses except one was already upgraded to 0.20.2 by Monday.
They are being paid far too much to do far too little.
...and we still can't transfer steem to exchange wallets, absolutely no word on that. Zero, zilch, nothing, nathan, nada.
I would assume that this will take at least a few days for the first wallets to come back online. More realistically, we should be talking about a few weeks for a majority of them to work again, if not longer.
Wow, that will ruin me...
I don't know what to do. I would have been nice to get some kind of warning. 😥😪😪😪
My comments are based on how quickly exchanges updated their wallets in the past. It’s possible that they’re more responsive now, but I remain pessimistic. We can only wait and see...and hope.
True, thank you for being realistic with me, better that than false hope!
Luckily I have just discovered Blocktrades is operational and that if you don't use BTC their fees aren't too bad. Still not great, but not as terrible as the Bitcoin rates.