TRON’s First Beta VersionExodus Will Be Launched on March 31 波场第一版测试网络——出埃及记Exodus预计将于3月31日上线 (FROM JUSTIN SUN'S WEIBO)

in #cn7 years ago







1 采用基于UTXO的交易模型,通过公共账簿可以透明地追踪交易的历史记录。UTXO带来并发处理能力和网络效能的提升,在此基础上抽象出账户的概念,使之更符合真实世界的直观认识。

2 基于PoS的TBFT共识机制,可根据出块速度和延迟情况动态调整记账人集合,实现每秒交易数1000+以上。

3 支持超低手续费转账,完成单次转账只需10的负6次方TRX。

4 波场虚拟机TVM为智能合约字节码提供安全的执行环境,具有轻量级、快速加载、资源隔离、可扩展性等诸多优点。

5 支持使用Java等高级语言编写智能合约,通过波场编译器编译为TVM虚拟机字节码。

6 采用共识引擎+ BlockChain状态机的松耦合架构,提供通用的ABCI(Application BlockChain Interface)接口。

7 提供分布式的网络管理和监控能力,可以直观可视化的方式展现波场的运行情况和运行时性能参数。


波场TRON创始人孙宇晨(Justin Sun)表示:“首先感谢大家长久以来对波场的关注和支持,感谢大家对我们团队的信任,感谢我们的开发者夜以继日的辛苦开发。经过波场TRON技术团队的不懈努力,TRX上线主网即将展开测试,本次主网上线是波场TRON发展历史过程中的一个重要节点,但这并不是终点,波场TRON是我们为让互联网回到初心,实现去中心化使命所打造的区块链操作系统。可信任的去中心化应用,区块链赋能的智能合约,人人皆可获取发行的数字价值,这三大价值观是我们的信仰,也是互联网4.0的基础。






TRON’s First Beta VersionExodus Will Be Launched on March 31


Today, TRON officially announced the latest progress of the project development, showing that the main network functions were all set and it will be launched on March 31. This should be the second important upgrade after the open source on December 29, 2017.

We also learned from Chen Zhiqiang, the leader of TRON’s technical department that during the R&D of main net, it integrated the advantages of multiple blockchain systems and proposed and realized the following core functions:

1 With UTXO-based trading models, history transactions can be transparently tracked through the public ledger. UTXO boots concurrent processing capability and enhances network performance. Create the concept of transaction account that is in consistent with real-world application through abstraction based on UTXO technology.

2 Achieve over 1 thousand transactions per second with PoS-based TBFT consensus mechanism which adjusts the account takers of a transaction according to the speed and delay of the block.

3 Support ultra-low fee transfer (10e-6 TRX per transfer).

4 Provide a secure execution environment for smart contract byte-code with TRON virtual machine (TVM). TVM has following advantages: lightweight, fast loading, resource isolation, high scalability etc.

5 Support smart contracts written in programming languages such as Java. Compile them into TVM byte-code with TRON compiler for high execution performance.

6 Provide common ABCI (Application BlockChain Interface) with consensus engine and Blockchain state machine loosely-coupled architecture.

7 Provide distributed network management and monitoring utilities. Visualize TRON operations and performance to easily track the status and potential risks.


The founder of TRON, Justin Sun noted that, “First, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you, for your attention and support to TRON and for your trust in our team; and to our developers as well, for their strenuous development work. With unremitting efforts of TRON’s technical team, the test for TRX main network is about to start. The launch of main net this time will be a vital node in TRON’s development history. But this won’t be an end. TRON is a blockchain operating system we built to bring the original intention of Internet and to realize decentralization. We believe in the three major values, which are also the foundation for Internet 4.0: trustworthy decentralized applications, block chain enabled smart contracts and digital values that everyone can access and distribute. Centering on TRON, people will obtain a global-scale free-content entertainment system, from which the entire decentralized Internet ecosystem will be stretched out. We will continue to upgrade and optimize our main network from security, scalability, privacy, user experience and other aspects and finally provide better services to our partners and developers. We welcome TRON’s believers and supporters worldwide to join us and witness our future together.”

TRON is a decentralized content protocol on the basis of blockchain, whose purpose is to establish a worldwide free-content entertainment system through block chain and distributed storage technology. This protocol enables every user to distribute, store and own data freely; meanwhile, under decentralized autonomy, it could determine the distribution, subscription and push of contents by means of digital asset distribution, circulation and transaction, enable content creators and finally form a decentralized content entertainment ecology.

TRON was founded by Justin Sun, the former chief representative of the Greater China Region of Ripple, the first batch of students of Hupan University, one of the 2015/2017 Forbes 30 Chinese entrepreneurs under the age of 30 and one of the 2017 Forbes 30 Asian entrepreneurs under the age of 30. As of January 18, 2018, 12 o'clock, according to, an authoritative information website in virtual currency area, the total market value of TRX—TRON’s official token—has entered Top 15 at present, ranking Top 13 with a total market value of 10 billion USD and a daily trading volume of 4.6 billion USD. At least 500,000 people worldwide are now holding TRX.​​​​