Want to know what the NWO Big Brother future looks like? Just look at China - a massive testbed for the future societal control grid

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

China score.jpg

Over the past 70 years, since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has morphed itself from a pure Communist dictatorship into a technocratic, consumerist, Orwellian state of epic proportions. This is certainly not because the Chinese communist dictatorship has had some change of heart. It 's because from the very beginning modern China has been a Western intelligence agency creation to test their ability to create the perfect Orwellian state.

The New World Order that the elitists of the world have wanted to build for centuries (if not millennia) requires a test bed on a massive scale. China is that testbed. NWO agents got their foothold in China through British and American elitists that were running the opium trade in China for roughly a century between 1800 and 1900. With the importation of the opium also came the importation of secret societies, spies, front companies/organizations, as well as the infiltration of the Chinese society at all levels. Sure, the current face of the Chinese government looks very Chinese, but just like all the other places where the British elitists have left their previous colonies, they left behind their lackeys secretly in control as well.

After World War Two, the decision was made in Western NWO intelligence circles to put puppet leadership positions in China as well as to build China up to the point that China could act as a test bed for the perfect Orwellian society that Orwell himself experienced as a member of the elitist Fabian socialists in Britain. One of the intelligence fronts used for this exercise was Yale University which was, and still is, an arm of the British elite in America. Elihu Yale who founded Yale University was a former president of the East India Company that made his money through the slave trade. After his death, Yale University in Connecticut has remained an important front for the British and NWO elite including the infamous "Skull and Bones" society. It should also therefore be no surprise that Yale University founded another intelligence front in China called appropriately "Yale in China."

The most famous Yale in China "alumnus" that everyone conveniently forgets was Mao Tse Tung, who was the editor of Yale in China's student journal. In fact, Yale in China even owned the building where Mao ran his "Culture Bookshop" in the 1920s. If you don't believe this, just check out Yale's own website with this Yale newspaper story on Mao.

Yale graduate.jpg

What does the China Big Brother future look like

Let's do a short run down on the Big Brother societal monitoring and control state that is already in place in China as well as what is planned for the future in China. This should give you a feel for where this is all going to - both in China as well as the rest of the world.

  • Social scoring - Everything that you have ever thought and have done will be recorded permanently and become part of your social score. If you want to understand this in detail you need to read this article from Wired on how the social scoring will be applied and used. Basically, it means that everything in your life will be dictated by your social score - what school you attend, what job you are allowed, even what transportation you are allowed to take. Don't agree with the government? You get a lower score. Read the wrong books? You get a lower score. Spoke to the wrong people? You get a lower score.. You get the point

  • Disappeared and "disassembled" - If the government deems that you are a greater threat than can managed by your social score, you won't just get a bad score, you'll disappear and likely at some point be "disassembled." Disappear typically means a slave labor camp but can also mean being picked up by a "high tech" mobile execution van.. These vans are designed to not just execute a person but to "disassemble" them and harvest their organs so that they can be sold to the wealthy for transplants. It is believed that at least 60,000 to 100,000 organs are collected each year from this sick business. This sickening process is not just for hardened criminals however, it's also for political and religious dissidents like Falun Gong members that just want the freedom to meditate and organize as they see fit

  • Consumer addiction - This is where the Aldous Huxley side of the NWO shows itself. This is the carrot rather than the stick as presented in "Brave New World". They want you to love your enslavement and endless consumerism is the "soma" that ensures you stay happily distracted and asleep. This is to make sure you have something banal to live for. You won't live for the ideal of creating a better and freer world, you will instead live for luxuries and playthings that the government approves of. The Chinese love elite brands and products and this has become a focus for the wealthy Chinese masses when they are not at their wage slave jobs. (Of course this is only for the wealthier Chinese and not those working at the Apple / Foxconn indentured slave labor camps)

  • Cashless purchases and tracking of them all - This is everywhere but China is way ahead in the cashless society. China's interest in cryptocurrencies is solely for this purpose and certainly not because they want to empower the people with some distributed independent currencies. Their intent is to track each and every purchase and tie this into individual profiling and social scoring. The Chinese government will know everything that you do before you ever think of doing it. This is in reality the underlying reason for all cryptocurrencies. Sure, the people are sold on it now as freedom and convenience, but the NWO plan for the cashless society is total control of every transaction, psychological profiling, stopping all possible escape from monetary controls and taxation, and even completely shutting down all buying and selling for those that don't comply with government mandates. Right now it's Alipay and WeChat in China, but in the future it will be government controlled cryptos with every product and service tracked and controlled across the entire value chain

  • Facial recognition to track everyone everywhere - The BBC recently did a test of China's new facial recognition system. The BBC sent a reporter into China to test the system in Guiyang, a city of over 4 million people. All the citizens in Guiyang are already in the facial recognition system and one more was added - the BBC reporter. After the BBC reporter showed his face in a public location in the city, he was found by police in just 7 minutes. This tracking doesn't however just locate you, it is part of a much broader Big Data and Big Brother system that builds a profile on you of who you've met, where you've been, what car you drive, what you purchase, etc. All data is combined and will feed the social scoring system/Big Data systems described above. Most people wouldn't even want their friends and family to have all this information about them, but the Orwellian Chinese government has it instead and will have even more in the future

Where is this all going, both in China and the rest of the World?

There are further plans that the NWO is planning for that are all part of the UN Agenda 2030 and can be guaranteed to be rolled out both in China as well as the rest of the world. The testing of this additional technologies and systems will first be done in China and other places that are testing Smart Cities like Singapore and Dubai. These additional technologies include:

  • Smart sensors everywhere - Everything and everyone will be chipped and tracked with smart sensors so that all goods and people can be tracked everywhere. The Big Data network will not just be for people, but for all "smart" things. Think of the new cryptocurrencies VeChain and Walton. These are just a couple of simple examples of the supply chain tracking that they are already planning with smart sensors. Everything will have a tracking and verification chip embedded in it

  • 5G networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) - 5G will be the enabler of the smart censors and smart cities. It will also enable AI transactions across all the devices that are spying on you. 5G and IoT are being sold as a convenience to save electricity and to order things for you automatically, but this is not their true purpose. Their true purpose is for tracking and controlling you and all your transactions. 5G's additional purpose is to irradiate the masses with stealth microwave technologies for controlling people's minds and slowly destroying their health - as crazy as this may sound to some. Watch the videos below for more on this subject

  • Sharing economy and tiny living - You won't own anything anymore either if the NWO has its way. You will share whatever can be shared. This means you won't be able to stand up against the government either. How can you stand up without any resources of your own to support you? This is the intent of not owning anything. They will sell it as convenient and freeing, but its real purpose is to keep you in an invisible cage as a neo-feudalistic serf with no resources to support your independence from their planned control system

The videos below sum up the UN Agenda 2030 plans extremely well. I highly suggest that you have a careful watch of them:

We need to be aware of what is planned for us and resist it

The future NWO plans are to strip us of all our inherent rights and freedoms and place us into a digital and fully controlled panopticon that we can never escape from. China is just the testbed, but the plan is for the entire world. We need to wake up to these plans and wake up everyone we know to these plans. I am thoroughly convinced that Orwell would be shocked as to how sophisticated the NWO plan and control grid has become. Add in AI and other technologies and at some point it may be too late to ever escape it. This is why we must resist it now, before it's too late.


It's bloody depressing! What was that quote?, "You may choose to look the other way, but never again can you say that you didn't know". What can we do?

It is depressing. Unfortunately, the only route that I know is to inform as many people as I can and hope that they do the same. Awareness by a critical mass of society can defeat this agenda, but it also means a lot of work by a lot of people to get us there.

Just read an article yesterday that they already use facial recognition to monitor "jay walking" and send an automatic text if a violation occurs.

Some say that the chinese system will be established in the USA soon via Chinese companies building factories here and american workers will have to adopt chinese work ethics...

Great article, re-steemed!

Thanks! The Chinese model is clearly setting the stage for things to come in the US as well. The question is whether the people figure it out before it's too late

Are you talking about the same people who are currently demanding from the government to take away their rights? Hope not. Because these folks will figure out nothing as long as they have a beer in the fridge.
They will wake up when the "Boot is stamping on their face - forever".

Sadly, these are are same people. My hope is that some of them can and will smell the fire burning down their houses around them before it's too late, but maybe they won't notice while they are swilling their beer and watching the Kardashians.

Yup. Hope dies last. We have to keep doing the right thing, we owe it to ourselves. At least we die trying...

I have the same conclusions. China is a test ground for the NWO control grid. From Citizen ranking system to the IMF sdr backed crypto currency

I never thought that the west can have this much influence on a country like china. I also heard about the facial recognition test. That will really invade alot if citizens privacy.

Thank you for bringing the truth to the light.

It's crazy how China has been built and prepared as a test bed for the NWO. They have built a powerhouse that can literally take on the world. Very scary indeed.

The US and China are the two big testbeds of the NWO and now they want to implement all that shit into the EU and after that overall in the world.

Great article I have resteemed it for more visibility.

Thanks a lot. There are a few testbeds at the moment, but China is certainly the biggest and the furthest along. India is also now a testbed where they are trying to push the cashless agenda. If you combine China and India, you have 2.5 billion people. That's already basically a third of the world's population. Very scary numbers..

Yes India but they failed the first try with there cashless agenda but do you know that in Greece they do the same where ever you go you can pay only with maximum 80 Euros in cash if your bill is higher you have to pay the rest with card.
Damn yes that's a scary number.

I didn't know that for Greece. I knew that in France and Italy they set a cash limit of 1,000 Euros. I already thought that was bad.

Oh, things are way worse than this. You should have read all my Geoengineering Series (and links in them) to know how bad they are, but even this is only a small part of it. I didn't tackle the spiritual part of it.
Orwell was a member of freemasons http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.si/2013/03/aldous-huxley-letter-to-george-orwell.html
I guess, I told you about this one already https://steemit.com/bookreview/@irastra/massoni-gioele-magaldi-laura-maragnani-book-review -excerpts are in the pdf form on the internet and Chinese governments have been part of freemasons too in the past and nowadays, Li family is the Illuminati family in China.
There are already some intents to counter this facial recognition.

But escape will be difficult and the stealing will become easy.

5G is more capable of penetrating the walls, so seeing behind the walls will be easier, but TV is for that purpose, and lower ortbit satellites will enable it as well.

Thanks very much for the links and additional insight! I fully agree with you that there is more to the story, but trying to tell in one post the whole history and story of how we are being attacked is like trying to eat an elephant in one bite.. not easily done.

I will definitely have a read of your geoengineering posts and will look to touch on geoengineering in the context of accompanying vaccination heavy metals and 5G, but this will need to be a separate topic all unto itself. The satanic genocidal planning behind all of this is so monstrous that the typical mind rebels at the thought of anyone sick enough to do this. This therefore requires some work to structure it all in an easily assimilable way.

Sure, an elephant is a bit too big for one bite.
Eugenicists and Technocracy, Inc. are other names they go by.

so, the source about the bad stuff in the World in this article are the British and Americans? Really? Not a single word about Zionsim and the Khazarian Mafia? Then I'd consider this as Disinfo...

It was the British and American elite (keyword "elite" - think colonial companies) that set up the intelligence fronts in China and have been running them ever since through organizations like Yale, the CIA, MI6, etc. It's certainly not disinformation just because I don't go into the topics you've additionally mentioned.

okay, but just for my understanding, as I'm new to steem, is it unwanted to point to these facts here? I thought we are here to have free speech? Just asking, Greetz!

I'm fully for free speech, but I also get to choose on my blog what I want to write about without being told that I'm spreading disinfo because I don't cover what you want to talk about

If you stop at some point at digging into the rabbit-hole, you make this impression to people who are more informed as you. At the end of the day, this is considered Disinfo. And yeah, write on your Blog, what you want, no problem...

Hi. Keep it up! Will resteem this one! Compliments

Thanks a lot! It's very much appreciated