@bandli is correct. You get a string representation of a polynomial and should implement a class that parses that and allows to fo math with it:
a = Polynomial('3x^2')
b = Polynomial('5x^4')
c = a.multiply(b)
c.toString => '15x^6'
If you want to have an evaluate
method that could be fun too
It might help a lot if you have one or two examples like this in your post, so we can include them in our test cases. It makes understanding the problem at hand a bit easier. In the real world I would say "specifications unclear" and send it back to the Product Owner ;)
You are right! I wanted to post it and probably should have refined the specification a bit before that. Next challenge I'll see to make up to that
Oh! You want us to create a polynomial class and return an object of that given polynomial! Is that it?
I want you to create a polynomial class that has a constructor accepting a string :)