Coding Diary Entry #4 - Getting Back on the Horse

in #coding7 years ago (edited)

Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

It's now been 4 days since I wrote a single line of code. That's not good. Practice and keeping what I've learned at the forefront of my mind is important and that much time without coding is an easy path for me to start forgetting what I worked so hard at acquiring.

Getting back on the horse


I don't know about you but, I tend to put others before myself very often. It may be because I am more agreeable than most...but even though sometimes it can be a virtue, sometimes it's also a vice to can make me resentful.

Why did it happen?

It's all nice and motivating to say that "it's how quickly we get back up" that counts...but it's also a good thing to take a moment to reflect on WHY we fell in the first place and then readjust our behaviors so that it doesn't happen again.

My guess is that I haven't systematically set a time everyday to go over material. I went full hog without a schedule and then when other things came up and no time was available...4 days went by without a single line of code.


Having a learning path and plan is good...but without a schedule and a routine to empower it might be a recipe for disaster.

There are 3 pages

I write about this a few days ago about the importance of saying “no”

When we say yes to something we simultaneously say no to something else, and if the thing we are saying “no” is ourselves that can cause us problems in the long term. Therefore, even if it might sound selfish, sometimes we simply need to say no to other people. Only that way we can find proper balance for us.

Cheers dude!

In school days... I was thought opportunity forgone ... that's how i best understand your reply ... interms of saying yes to what is most important.
Finding a balance in your life , your carrier and family .. and to conclude.. a lot of people have unachieved goals that keeps piling up for them..
Why not just create a life that takes you one step at a time

When it comes to something as complicated as coding, better not to have too many skip days. Consistency is the key because these codes need to get hammered into you brain!!!

Not even 10 minutes into this your post has already gotten over 100 votes. Why bother learning to program when you can simply write articles. lol.

Regarding the allocation of time I think with today's hectic schedules it maybe better off to just do the stuff when you have time and push hard on it. What I mean is if I have 1 full day to do what I want I just dedicated all into studying that whole day. See how much I can get out of it because tomorrow I maybe busy with something else and do not have the time to pick up where I left off. It will be harder to pick up where I left off if I do not do it for a while. Make the best of what time I have. Thanks.

BTW I will come back and upvote after 30 minutes on your post. Just want my curation rewards lol.

I'm curious too, CryptOctopus. You seem so good at writing posts, why switch to something you are not so good at?

Discipline Discipline Discipline.

Writing needs to be a daily habit, like breathing or taking a shower. No matter what comes up, barring an extreme emergency where there are EMT personnel involved, writing needs to take place on a daily basis. This is what the successful always state.

I watched an interview with a romance novel writer, the name that escapes me, who is one of the most successful in terms of sales. She said she wrote everyday, for decades...without missing a day. It might only be 500 or 1000 words but she got it in. That is dedication to her craft.

I have to view things in that light since I tend to lack the discipline. My goal on Steemit is two posts a day (I allow myself only one on Sunday). This I do no matter is something that I committed myself to. If I do not have this etched in my mind, something else will come up.

So I make it a part of my day, no matter what.

Oh, yes, my friend, I understand you perfectly, and such a state happens to everyone who wants to strive in their lives. We try to learn, create, succeed and the main advantage of a person helps us - this is his life experience. Experience and knowledge in the most diverse areas of life. A person with a rich life experience is ready for success. His failures were the necessary preparation, the time of discipleship. His main mistakes he has already committed, and there is no need to expect foolishness from him. He is hardened by difficulties and adversities, he knows how to hold a blow - unlike those who can not boast of a great life experience. Thank you @cryptoctopus

To achieve something in life we need to make a proper plan and implementation of that plan in proper order is must. Yes you are very right that we need to look back that why it happened, because we have to prepare ourselves to avoid that mistake again. Keep in touch with your work specially in your beginning days. Keep going, good luck.

Schedule, structurize and plan. Then follow through with discipline and turn it into a habit.

It's not easy, but if you succeed you will benefit from it for the rest of your life!

Oh and keep posting, last Friday I saw a Jordan Peterson video on one of your blogs. It was exceptionally inspirational. I've watched about 10 hours of JP videos on youtube this weekend. Must say, I'm inspired to go explore the shadow and emerge as hero...


Sounds like my last week, Life gets in the way.

What kind of schedule do you think will work for you?

Yeah I have noted you didn't post as usual! But I thought you were busy wit coding. Anyway, your type is more generous than others and helpful. Sometimes it might make issues like you highlighted here. I know you won't say NO to people, but if you say NO today, I think in future they all will experience the benefits from your works. Try to attach with the schedule, practice is the most essential thing! Hope to see your coding session tomorrow!


loosing the schedule, kind of weird feeling, but recoverable. if you can earn 150 x 6 usd = 900 usd in 50 mins by 1 article, don't get the stress, you can plan your coding sessions without a doubt. good luck @cryptoctopus


Happy to see you started again. I guess it's hard to always have the focus. especially as a starter. But soon tou get more rewarded by making and creating some nice things.. Curious about the next code release..

I know I've been there, so many times. One of the hardest things to motivate myself to do is exercise, especially in the winter. Funny thing is, when I control myself and won't let myself do anything trivial (watch TV, etc) I find the motivation much quicker :)

Time management is the most important thing to implement in your life when you start learning some new skills. Most of the people give up because they try so hard and expect the results to be in their favor asap but unfortunately, it doesn’t happen. I hope it doesn’t happen to you but what I would suggest you to give max 3 hours a day and then just relax. 3 hours doze of coding is enough to remember stuff in the longer run.
I am also learning PHP and still in the procedural phase. I have set a goal to become an expert of this language at the end of this year including OOP and laravel framework, so I am going slow but in the right direction.

Of all comments .. I think I totally agree with you

@cryptoctopus - Sir you got the roadmap & hope you'll make a schedule & routine... Then restart your work Sir... You are unbeatable... You already made a huge progress Sir... Don't give up...


Hi @cryptoctopus, same here... means, me too having too much problem with my time management. Like I wish there are 30 hours in a day so that I can manage my time better. I have always been complaining lately that time flies too fast because I am juggling my time here and there between office-family-Steemit. But for you I suggest just a schedule to follow that will manage your time better. I wish you success in your learning to coding and programming so that you will gain your superpower soon. I understand how complicated it was trying to master that new knowledge you have just learned. All the best and have a pleasant day, cheers, ainie

It takes a lot of discipline to master anything. You also have to be very FOCUS and sacrifice a lot, which means not doing trivial many things, but prioritize. If you want something badly and you now why you want it and your why is strong enough, you will get there, but it takes time.

4 days without practicing has happened to me in some activities when I train stop practicing and when I want to make it looks forget some points so you are right to do a timeline helps not to lose the focus of practicing

I don't know about you but, I tend to put others before myself very often. It may be because I am more agreeable than most...but even though sometimes it can be a virtue, sometimes it's also a vice to can make me resentful.

Yeah I also have the habit of putting others before myself and it hasn't yielded any meaningful contributions to me, because most people take you as been soft when you try to behave in that way. But you can't change me.

Wish you strength as you continue your programming journey.. It's not an easy job combining blogging and programming..

I suck at schedules, I'm just not that kind of person. I'll admit too that I have suffered for it. I think for me though that it is important to roll with it. When I have tried to organize it has stifled my creativity.

The bottom line is I gotta do me AND I gotta make that work for me. Finding the right balance of me/functional can be hard for a freak like me.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

Coding is great @cryptoctopus but you must remain active, practicing the codes to become professional. Taking a break from coding is disastrous, this can lead to you having difficulty when next you code.

You said the solution in your conclusion, we must add schedule and a routine to empower or learning path.

These are some of the good advice that I do. I personally know that there is no such thing as impossible. Only all you have to do is start. Only the rest will come.
Another advice steemit platform is the best to do it and you will find a way of success has lit up before you

Its very difficult to come on track again when we missed the practice for few days but it is not impossible and you are right's so important to know how to schedule your time properly and stick to that schedule....
Never give up ...happy coding

My guess is that I haven't systematically set a time everyday to go over material. I went full hog without a schedule and then when other things came up and no time was available...4 days went by without a single line of code.

I would advice you make a timetable and adhere to it strictly
Persistence and patience is key for you to learn coding
Its not a day's job learning new stuff
Just keep your head down and focus i am sure you would get to understand coding fast.

I totally agree with its, they say experience is a better teacher, the most important part of standing after a fall is know why you fell. Thanks for sharing this motivation

It's now been 4 days since I wrote a single line of code. That's not good. Practice and keeping what I've learned at the forefront of my mind is important and that much time without coding is an easy path for me to start forgetting what I worked so hard at acquiring.

Sure, ones you leave it, it leaves you. Programmers code every single day because most of them take it as a hobby.

Coding is like every other thing you try to learn and it's even more difficult when you don't do it for a while because it has to do with getting acquainted with lots of things perceived as jargons and breathing life into it and the final product is the software that comes from it.

In conclusion , try to create a schedule for yourself so you don't drift far from coding and won't be able to find your way back.

You right around 100% need to plan time for any movement like this. Make it a meeting with yourself, and don't give anything a chance to meddle with that. After only half a month you'll soon find that the procedure is relatively programmed. That doesn't mean you can expel the "arrangement", however it will mean its less demanding to shut out different things requesting your consideration when it comes time to chip away at coding. Good fortunes and continue working towards your objectives

Despite being well planned, the most important factor that is effective in reaching the goal of a program or course is the time. For example; the teacher might have made a perfect plan that would make sense in a four-course course. However, if there are two courses that he / she can use for that subject, and he / she has prepared his / her plan without considering it, he / she will end the course without giving a statement and can not give the information he wants to give.
I upvoted and resteemed this post

It's kind of like brushing your teeth...When its in your routine, its not a big deal. But if its not in your routine, then making time for it suddenly becomes not very important.

It's all nice and motivating to say that "it's how quickly we get back up" that counts...but it's also a good thing to take a moment to reflect on WHY we fell in the first place and then readjust our behaviors so that it doesn't happen again.

This is completely correct if you don't know why you fell you would definitely fall again

I try and do this with my time on Steem. It's limited so I try and prevent distractions by setting out blocks of time for all my obligations here on Steemit, trying to create at least one post a day, and commenting as much as possible.

Keeping distractions to a minimum and setting aside set blocks of time for certain activities has helped me be more productive on Steem and my life in general.

This has happened with me with Steemit.. I was doing great, then some bad things happened in my life but hey, here I am back on track stronger then ever! Love that quote by the way, will save it for when I need some motivation!

Time budgeting is just as important as financial budgeting, glad to see you know the value of scheduling and carving out a set time for the things that we might otherwise let fall by the wayside. Get back at it with a refreshed mindset, and good luck in your coding journey!

Time management (and procrastination) is my downfall. Can get a lot done in a short amount of time, but if I had just dedicated myself to, and scheduled out, a couple solid hours of work every day/week for a project then I would've been a lot further ahead in the end. Also would've created a better end product than I did in a 1-2 day cram session.

I try to fix it every so often and get organized but I'm procrastinating right now by reading your post and writing this comment... Gonna get back to work now.. promise.

I am Just struggling with my schedule to organize all the projects and demand i have...
I feel the pain.

hahha i think you need to motivate yourself more and stich on your work and make your shedule strong and stick on it and maybe you need for a teem work which create some more intrestings and you will do your job good or maybe you need to posts here daily about your class and after yoru practica maybe this thing will good for you and will help you,,
so plan it again with better strategy and then follow this,, and i suggest to work with some other like as team work its better think and make work more intrest its my own experience @cryptoctopus

well you first of all you need to set your tiem and make your shedule and will not make any gap in your ruouten i also observe why people dont learen coding bcz they have not a proper shedule and the big thing in coding when we leave it for a day or some day,, then crash every thing in our minds and also crash our aim and start to forgeting start from our memory our all learned ,,
so dont leave it for a while or also for a day then sure you get it

am at the same page as you are I started my journey 29 days ago and I insisit to practice every day and to devote more time and effrot and am doing well sometimes a hit a hard to grasp concept but I persevere just because it's excites me to dive more and more
I'd like to tell you it's okay to get frustruting at times all programmers do. what's intersting about programming is that it's highly addictive once you make a part of your day. wish lots of lock in your journey @cryptoctopus

You almost 100% have to schedule time for any activity like this. Make it an appointment with yourself, and don't let anything interfere with that. After just a few weeks you'll soon find that the process is almost automatic. That doesn't mean you can remove the "appointment", but it will mean its easier to block out other things demanding your attention when it comes time to work on coding. Good luck and keep working towards your goals!

everything begins with dedication, part of the learning we are learning with the falls we make, but with effort and value the time that is very important in our lives you can achieve what is important is not to give up ... good publication

I once decided to learn playing the piano. I practiced one hour every day and I was astonished by how quickly I was able to learn. After two weeks, I stopped playing regularly. Needless to say, I don't know how to play the piano anymore:p I did, however, have no problem programming in Java after a one year break. It's curious how these things work. Get back into Javascript before it's too late!

Good luck :D

Yeah! Another diary again.

It's now been 4 days since I wrote a single line of code. That's not good. Practice and keeping what I've learned at the forefront of my mind is important and that much time without coding is an easy path for me to start forgetting what I worked so hard at acquiring.

I've been waiting for days to read from your new diary and I've been wondering what went wrong.

Yeah!, Sometime staying for a long time without consecutive coding practice and a long break from coding makes one to forget most of the thing he/she has learnt..

A practical example is when I stopped coding in java, it got confusing when I started again and I discovered that I had practically forgotten how to do a whole lot of things, most especially how to arrange my classes.

It's all nice and motivating to say that "it's how quickly we get back up" that counts...but it's also a good to take a moment to reflect on WHY we fell in the first place and then readjust our behaviors so that it doesn't happen again.

Yeah, it's all about disciplining ones self. For me, I've learnt to be more focus - even though I sometimes fail in doing that. I've also mapped out schedules, reading and coding time, alarms and everything that'll put me on my toes to remain focused and dedicated.

Thanks once more for this diary @cryptoctopus. Today's own is a bit motivational and I've learnt from it.

Hope to read more of ur diaries soon and maybe grab some coding tips out of it.

Happy Steeming

Oh @cryptoctopus, I understand you so much! I always do not have enough time for everything I want and I need. I have already started to get up much earlier, but I still
have a problem with my time management, so I continue to try to manage my time better.
I wish you success in your time management!

Discipline is number one!

hi all friends, introduce my name my fatma just joined in steemit.upvote and follow account @ fatma24

Having a learning path and plan is good...but without a schedule and a routine to empower it might be a recipe for disaster

Yes, what I really suggest is that for you to have learned the path. Henceforth you should start the schedule and the routine to for the empowerment. Because time waits for nobody.

Having a learning path and plan is good...but without a schedule and a routine to empower it might be a recipe for disaster.

I don't write codes but I know how it can be bad to not have a schedule or plan for your day.
You'll eventually overdo one thing and then find out that you've not even done another.
So yeah, to have a plan for each day is good.
Little by little, you'll get the job done.

That was well composed. Thumbs up

I know I've been there, so many times. One of the hardest things to motivate myself to do is exercise, especially in the winter. Funny thing is, when I control myself and won't let myself do anything trivial (watch TV, etc) I find the motivation much harry up #resteem @cryptoctopus

  1. Its nice to be back to coding. Constant practice is essential

2..Putting others before yourself is a virtue... i tell you! Its not common. So dont change it!

putting yourself before other is a virtue unless you become resentful because of it.

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