Coding Journal - Ep. 2 - Java Script or Python, that was the dilemma

in #coding4 years ago (edited)

As expected, it took me a decent amount of research in order to pick the right programming language.

I went through C++, C, Python, Java, JavaScript, Type Script, Coffee Script, Solidity and even other weird ones I never knew existed (like K or R).

I thought picking one was going to be complicated but it all came down to a few essential factors:

  • The local and global market demands in 2020. The primer because it is important to work with a team in person asap; and the latter, because it must offer the possibility of working abroad.
  • Preferred use cases and trends in the future
  • The required skills and ease of learning them by myself in order to get a job in less than 1 year
  • Is it possible to become a full-stack developer mastering all of their libraries?
  • Average salary

As you've guessed, the top final contenders were Java Script and Python.

Picking a tool

FactorsPythonJava Script
Local demands / global demandsYes / YesYes / Yes
Preferred use casesAI & Big Data (back-end)Web Development (front-end) + HTML, CSS & Blockchain (Ethereum Smart Contracts, Integration with Solidity)
SkillsHeavy math (calculus, probability & statistics, etc). Hard to learn by myself, plenty of tutorials and resourcesIf front-end (basic math). Easy to learn by myself, plenty of tutorials and resources
Full-Stack / LibrariesYesYes
Salary* (USD)120k - 300k110 - 250k

*Average salaries from various websites

At the end of the day it seems both of them can also serve to the front and back respectively, but the market prefers them the other way. No comments about the actual performance of them doing so.

In the end, Java Script will be my choice.

Closing thoughts

  • What do you think about my analysis?
  • Am I missing out something important?
  • What are some weird programming languages you have encountered?

Crypto Stuff


Great choice, you can't go wrong with Javascript. :)

haha, love it or hate it. JS is everywhere.

What are some good books you would recommend?

It's been some time since I studied it, and I mostly used video courses.

Same here, it seems that you can find everything in their documentation.

Guess books are just an additional resource.

How can i find you on GitHub and StackOverflow?

I appear as @edca3899