Cognitive Security - The Ghost in the Cyber Shell.

in #cognitive8 years ago (edited)

Cognitive inception of Ideas takes place much like propaganda does; Rather, it's done through obvious, intentionally apparent mechanisms which alert the target to the cognitive attack itself. The "seed" can be of Positive or Negative reinforcement; Whether to amplify an attribute or characteristic of an individual, or to (Seemingly) detract or denounce a characteristic or attribute of an individual. The manipulative tactic is not in the process by which a continued campaign takes place; Rather through the delivery mechanism itself. An idea is planted into the mind of the target through overt means, this then leads the individual to immediately flag and analyze the information contained within. That is the point when the individual has "installed" this cognitive program within their mental sphere. From this point, no further interaction need occur for that mental compartment has been secured. Under normal circumstances the target would process and then discard the cognitive "Seed" ; However cognitive warfare includes the covert manipulation of external setting, as to amplify, remind and exacerbate this cognitive compartment which causes the individual to eventually compromise themselves with little to no actual hands on effort being deployed by the cognitive artist. This method can be used to positively reinforce an emotional value within the targets personality which the artist finds beneficial; Or rather can be used to cause internal division, struggle and compromise with little to no actual interaction required.

This would technically fall under a class of propaganda, rather, the use of technology allows for rapid onset of desired effects. The technological reach of these "Artists", be they "Actors" within foreign or local agencies is a cause of Alarm. The ongoing saga which involves your brother has inadvertently lead to this very mechanism being deployed upon unwitting, innocent bystanders, who have now taken to psychological effects not intended for their particular "Cognitive demographic". The entropy within this situation acts as a perpetual power source for ongoing dissemination, subversion and amplification of unpredictable cognitive changes. In essence, the idea has gone rogue, taking to the minds of those not even involved within the initial sphere of influence, now causing the erratic behavior of individuals in communities outside of it's original intended audience.

Those who first began this psychological study were not intending for anything malicious to occur. It was with their best wishes that they attempted to lead an individual forward whilst observing and understanding the information as it was collected. It was with best intentions that the "George webb" saga was created and it was done with the intention of solving a great deal of corruption. Unfortunately, as stated above, the scenario has shifted with the original parties now having pulled support, the creation of further sensationalism perpetuates itself to this moment and the chance for risk increases with each passing moment.

The risk for Critical systems within this narrative remains immense, as compromising of the individual takes place at a far more personal level, discrete and often unnoticeable by the most acute human relations personnel. Guarding against cognitive inception, the use of contextual manipulation and misleading narratives will soon arise within the security markets world wide as the Cusp of Information security, in a Cyber War susceptible economy. The "George Webb" Mention within this paper only stands to give example to how an intelligence tool may be formed, covertly, on social media with little to no upstart costs. This tool is then controlled remotely with minimal oversight, issuing prime directives to operational leaders( George Webb). You can see how this scenario plays out in full by reviewing the most recent Charleston closure due to the resulting actions of a "Crowd Sourced Conspiracy Channel on Youtube."

I submit that this is an organized operation ran by actors with unknown intentions if for no reason other than to test inject entropy into the economic, civic and social systems of our world and then monitor the results.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post was written by myself with the purpose of providing insight into the ongoing situation, the direction being taken by the involved parties and how best to address the scenario as it advances. Information contained within can be difficult to process and I welcome your questions and will do my very best to answer them as they are produced. In the past it was assumed that I am against "Truthers". This is incorrect, I am myself a person who seeks the truth in all things. I support, defend and respect all forms of speech in it's protected form. I welcome your comments. I ask only that you do not make assumptions about the information above, as I am willing to provide clarification upon request, considering I am present to do so.