DAY 1 Cold Shower Challenge | Anti-Depressant and Adrenaline Rush

in #cold7 years ago

Hello all,

So I just completed my first cold shower and it was mind boggling how much I procrastinated. I really wanted to pay attention to my thought process when I was preparing to get in the freezing cold shower. What I noticed was that it was taking me much longer than usual to get in the shower. This showed me that I was acting out the same behaviors that I would do when I procrastinated in college. I was finding things less important to do rather than facing the fact that these next few minutes were going to be uncomfortable. The next thing I noticed I was doing was questioning my own intelligence that directed me to do this because it would get me used to being uncomfortable. I noticed the next thing I did was stick my hand in the water for a few minutes just thinking of how cold this water will be on my bare room temperature skin. The next thing I did was say F it I'm going in, and sure enough I regretted it the instant that water hit my head!


As my heart rate starts sky rocketing I feel like my body is in shock. I start to notice I've never taken deeper breaths in my life compared to the breaths I was taking in that cold shower. I started telling myself wait this could be a good thing just to trick my mind. As the shower went on I broke it up into 2 steps clean you body first, and then washing your hair would be a breeze right? Negative ghost rider... My head instantly felt like its was shrinking under the cold water and I felt my spine tighten up like in a healthy structural way. This really started to get my adrenaline pumping and I noticed I was in this fight or flight state that felt so natural. Then I told myself you could do this everyday and it will improve your life.

My conclusion is that I am going to do this every day for the next 30 days and see if I start becoming more fearless. I also hope this helps me become less depressed and more productive. If you enjoyed this post please try it for yourself too, and if you have already I would love to hear about your experiences!


you are crazy.

I find disciplining yourself to do 'not pleasant' - or boring repetitive things - is fantastic for your mental health, mate.(long term)

Yes exactly, because that's what we need to do in order to fulfill our needs as humans. We need a repetitive purpose in life and also the nerve to reach outside our comfort zone to keep us moving forward.