The flower had some dew drops at the time shot was taken.
It is another Monday and time to share some images for the #colorchallenge post.
This is my contribution to the #colorchallenge posts. It's #mondayred.
Note Please: This Post was scheduled using steemauto. I mentioned that I will be away for sometime in my ANNOUNCEMENT POST
It is called as "Ipomoea quamoclit"
It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant throughout the tropics, and also outside of tropical regions
It flowers in summer and fall.Its seeds are sown in rainy season. It blooms continuously from August to December in Temperate regions.
Hmm. You seem to know so much about plants.
I like that
Very beautiful flower 🌺 🌺 lovely dear friend
Thanks so much @moniroy.
In this way, this lush green land of nature is beautified by flower.
Thanks for your comment
That’s great nice flower thanks to share
Thanks for coming around
Keep it up welcome
Yes how are you
I'm doing fine
Good most welcome