Alchemy: Azoth(a), The Perfected Woman...Color Challenge for Sunday Purple

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Azoth(a), The Perfected (wo)Man 11" x 14", Colored Pencil on Paper, 8/12/2017

I say Azotha - not to be disrespectful at all - but I am using this image of Azoth, The Perfected Man, as my own meditation and to learn some things about ancient alchemy in terms of symbolism and ideas, through the practice of taking it into myself through drawing it. It took about 8 hours today.

I am changing things up a bit to suit my own Spiritual Experience...

I am currently using Adam McLean's Book as a guide ... but instead of meditating on these mandalas that he provides, I have decided to draw them myself, because as Paul Foster Case said, if you want to get the images inside you, you need to color them...I take it a step further and draw them and color them.

This Alchemical image is Azoth, The Perfected Man.

A well-known emblem in occult circles, it was created by the German alchemist, Johnann Basil Valentine as Azoth of the Philosophers, and published in 1659. I feel that I have been through this process myself, so I decided to use it as a symbol of my own Spiritual Awakening.


I may well do a series on the many vignettes found within this drawing...

Symbolism Explained

The meditation suggests to focus on the Alchemist in the center of the drawing. In this case it is a self-portrait. The triangle in the center represents the chalice, which is the receiver of Divine Energy flowing into me, and my work.

Around the head of the Alchemist, is a 7-pointed star, which represents the seven planets of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon. These are shown in the colors associated with them: Saturn - Black / Jupiter - Purple / Mars - Red / Sun - Yellow / Venus - Green / Mercury - Orange / Moon - White.

On three of the points of the heptagram are the additional sigils for the three Alchemical Principles of Salt (square), Sulfur(triangle on the cross) and Mercury (the horned Venus). The Principle of Salt sits on Saturn and is the place to Start, because it relates to the physical body of the Matter to be worked with. The next Sigil is Sulfur, and it is on the Red point. This shows the fiery nature of Sulfur that is the motivation of life and is a transforming energy through heat. The Sigil of Mercury is shown in the orange point of the heptagram, which is where the planet Mercury is. This represents the idea of Mercury being the Universal spirit within all things. The placement of these Sigils on the 3 symmetrical arms refers to the Trinity of Creation: Thought>Emotion>Action.

Between the seven arms of the heptagram are scenes that represent to the seven stage process of alchemical work. These are:

Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, and Coagulation.

This is the order that the Spiritual & Alchemical process follows to reach the perfect result.

The Calcination is shown as the scene with the black crow perched on the white skull. The word Visita, which is Latin for “to visit” or to begin the Spiritual Journey is at the bottom of the Scene. Crows represent the womb phase of Alchemy - the beginning. Crows travel between life and death and back again.

The 2nd scene is a black crow looking at it's reflection and Dissolving into it's pure rainbow self. This refers to the next phase of Alchemy: Dissolution. The Latin is Interiora which means the work is within.

Go within or Go Without.

The third scene shows the black crow on the ground while two rainbow birds eat it's parts. This scene refers to Separation, and next to the scene is the Latin Terrae, which means “of the earth”. This means that the important essence of the Being are separated from the throw-away parts.

The fourth scene shows two rainbow birds flying toward the sky holding a golden crown. The Latin word Rectificando, which means “by rectification” or to set things right as in Natural Law. This represents Sovereignty of the Being who has been restored to her true nature: one that cannot be ruled by another, because she has attained inner-monarchy. I also saw that it is interesting how the "wings of the ascended will" are above this scene. Synchromysticism?

The fifth scene is the two rainbow birds nesting in a tree. This scene refers to Fermentation. The Latin word is Invenies, which means “you will discover”, referring to the mystical action which takes place in this stage of Alchemy and refers to the mysterious process of the seeds in the ground or the embryo in the womb.

The next scene shows the Rainbow Unicorn lying on the ground in front of a rosebush. This refers to Distillation. The Latin, Occultum, meaning “secret” or “hidden” - once again a process that is a Mystery that happens as a result of the coming together of the elements. The Unicorn being the most mystical of all creatures representing the Soul, lying by the rosebush, which represents the mystery unfolding.

The final stage shows shows a Woman rising from an open grave. The symbol refers to the phase known as Coagulation

(Judgement which is the final Spiritual card in the Tarot). The Latin next to it is Lapidem, meaning “the stone”, which further refers to the Philosopher’s Stone which is the completion and desired outcome of the work.

Behind Me is a downward pointing triangle, in which are the three phases of man, body, mind & spirit.

Visita Interiora Terra Rectificando Inuenies Occultum Lapidem,

which is Latin for

Visit the interior of the Earth, in rectifying you will discover the Hidden Stone.

Each of the first letters of each word is used to make up the word VITRIOL. Vitriol is a highly corrosive acid. If you enjoyed your Spiritual Awakening - you have not had one yet.

I chose to insert the hexagram beneath and in between the male and female energies, which symbolizes the chalice and the blade - uniting the left and right hemispheres of the brain in balance.

Above the triangle there is a Salamander on the left, Wings in the middle, and a Rainbow Bird to the left. The salamander is above the triangle of the word Anima - sun, fire. On the other side is the rainbow bird standing over the word Spiritus - moon, air. The wings between symbolize the Ascended Will or Enlightened Self Interest.

The body of the Perfected Woman is perfectly balanced by the four elements of earth, water, fire and air:

One foot is in water, in which I put a mermaid to represent the female, intuition and emotion.

While the other foot is on the earth. Here is a Sphynx, which I have taken liberty to use to represent the combination of the authority of the "male" energy over the animal instinct, like the Strength card in the Tarot, only more.

Her right hand holds a candle,

while her left holds a feather.

In the future, I would like to see if I can figure out how to bring in the 7 Hermetic Principles to this drawing but it escapes me at the moment.

(Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause & Effect, & Gender).


Wow beautiful work. Awesome post!

Thanks- I might repost this one - not many people saw it I guess!

"The Perfected Woman..." Dedicated on Mothers day?

Mother's day was May 14. I did this drawing today to describe my own spiritual journey and I borrowed the image from Johann Basil Valentine the alchemist because I like it.