Dinos And Comics

in #comics3 years ago (edited)

Meet Dinos and Comics, probably one of my favorite comic series that can be found on the internet. I fist found it by seeing it in posts by @azircon, and I initially thought it was his own work. Sadly it wasn't but I found a lot more of it on twitter and got really happy. You can check them out here: https://twitter.com/dinoman_j.

What I love about these comics is that they are very relatable.

They are very simple in nature, and show friendships, hardships, and everything in between. The thing is that they are relatable for most people. Most people I know would be supportive of their friends in whatever they had to go through.

Stuff like this. Very simple, yet very relatable for many people. Hell they seem to get my problems.

~~~ embed:1394266114926985217 twitter metadata:U3RyaWtlRGVidHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9TdHJpa2VEZWJ0L3N0YXR1cy8xMzk0MjY2MTE0OTI2OTg1MjE3fA== ~~~

Being a student I sure get this feeling.

And it's relatable to current events. This one was particularly interesting as the same comic got banned on Instagram.

~~~ embed:1394195983332958210 twitter metadata:ZGlub21hbl9qfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2Rpbm9tYW5fai9zdGF0dXMvMTM5NDE5NTk4MzMzMjk1ODIxMHw= ~~~

And for days when I'm tired:

I didn't even look hard to find these, just going off the top of the twitter account.

~~~ embed:1391402278175875079/photo/1 twitter metadata:ZGlub21hbl9qfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2Rpbm9tYW5fai9zdGF0dXMvMTM5MTQwMjI3ODE3NTg3NTA3OS9waG90by8xfA== ~~~

I think thats one of my personal favorites. I fully get that feeling, where I don't care about most people, but one or two of them is all I need.

Give the account a follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/dinoman_j, it's quite good and the author deserves more readers.

If you really like it, buy some of their merch: https://shopdinosaur.com/. There's some simple and great ones, like the fuck transphobia: https://shopdinosaur.com/collections/best-sellers/products/fuck-transphobia-3

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I think that this little combo is one of my favorites view the collection here: https://shopdinosaur.com/collections/you-me.
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You know that I love them! Actually @m31 introduced me to the dinocomics, and since then I have used them all over the place.

They are quite awesome. I used to follow hey buddy(from the same artist I’m pretty sure) and finding this was even better.