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RE: ionomy stands with HIVE

in #communityfork4 years ago

Thank you @ionomy for your support of HIVE. Much appreciated. I signed up and am using your services. Works very well.

Ionomy appears to be an equitable organisation. I therefore invite you to consider something which will help ensure it stays that way.

It appears that throughout history, top down systems of governance virtually always create criminal leaders. It's the way they are designed. It can't be helped. Fortunately there is now a design for a Bottom Up, multi-level, decentralised system of governance. It is a "Real time Democrity" where all the members of the community get to have their opinions heard and taken notice of in an extremely well organised way.

This leads to a thriving equitable organisation. I'm sure you guys would like for ionomy to be just that. I am working with the designer of this system, the Matrix-8 Platform, seeking initially one community to trial the system (yet to be developed/coded). Although we are currently focusing on the Hive Community, we are open to any visionary community who can see the phenomenal potential of adopting a Matrix-8 Platform.

This is the page for the New Age DApps Community on Hive which i created to group together posts explaining Matrix-8 and interested people:

It took me many hours or reading to get to understand Matrix-8 (and then start writing about it), but i had an advantage of a visionary mindset and a very similar idea coming to me about 11 years ago.

Anyway, i hope you/and or others involved in ionomy will take the time to read several of the posts in the aforementioned group (and this post in particular to get to at least begin to understand Matrix-8, and possibly choose to adopt the system for your governance.

Your feedback would be much appreciated in due course.
