10001 -- Television Giant 'CBS Network' Was Caught Mining Cryptocurrency During Online 'Showtime' Telecast.


If you're a cryptocurrency related news reader, then you must have known this news that a torrent website named 'Piratebay' was using it's traffic base CPU's to mine cryptocurrencies without any notification. This website revealed this fact to another Website 'Torrentfreak' that they were using visitor's CPU power to mine Monero (XMR), a anonymous transactions based cryptocurrency. This act was first caught by a user who analyzed his CPU power came under burden whenever he was visiting the said Website. 

As we all know, torrent websites are being managing by anonymous entities because of legality issues and of course, they don't have proper funding to run a torrent website. Their only means of funding is Endorsements or Google Ads. So in order to generate more funds, this website adopted this shady technique to mug it's loyal visitor base. 

Now, the same technique adoption has also been revealed by a Television Giant named CBS network which implemented  'Coinhive', a Javascript -based solution to mine cryptocurrency in real time. 

A few hours ago, it was revealed that CBS had implemented Coinhive Javascript on it's two network websites namely Showtime.com and Showtimeanytime.com. These are two major websites which telecast the popular TV shows being produced by CBS network. 

This Javascript was first recognized by a Twitter user who goes by the name of SkensNet

After this rumor triggering, many tech or news websites has put their analysts to this story and shockingly they get to know that the rumor was true. CBS had implemented mining software within it's two major TV broadcasters which were using 60% of visitors CPU power without even notifying them. 

This move is considered very outrageous and unprofessional. CBS is a leading Television Broadcast Giant and using these shady techniques to mug their own customer base is very sad for it's reputation. 

After knowing the fact that their shady technique has come into light, CBS has withdrawn all the mining software from it's both websites immediately but analysts have already taken some screenshots to prove this fact. 

As we all know, cryptocurrencies are rising hugely in demand as well as supply. More and more people are investing fortune in cryptocurrencies project and trying to best their destiny out of it without even knowing the basics of cryptocurrencies. Crypto space is full of scams, shady techniques, conspiracies and fake information which keeps rotating into the crypto space in order to mug people. 

So, I would advise all crypto enthusiast to use your own due diligence while making investment in a cryptocurrency project and never take any decision out of FOMO.

Also use proper antivirus as well as Ad-Blocker plugins to shield yourself from any online malware threats. 

Thanks for reading ...!!

Author : @cryptonet

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So exciting news. news within news media.

Great write up on this issue! Sadly, I think many more network television conglomerates will turn their attention towards this passive revenue stream! Was CBS using a coinhive for monero or BAT?

skensnet SkensNet tweeted @ 23 Sep 2017 - 21:10 UTC

@Showtimeanytime @Showtime showtimeanytime.com/#home looks to have been hacked. In your source code - "coin-hive.com/lib/coinhive.m…"

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

interesting news

Interesting i upvote and follow hope you will follow me back cheers 😊

Everybody is trying to screw everybody else just to make a few bucks! I mean its not like they need the money, they are one of the largest networks out there!

Did they honestly expect this to go unnoticed? Surely, a lot of their customers are not very technical, but there has to be a good percentage of them who would at least wonder about the excess CPU usage, some of whom have the know-how to investigate.

This is by media's very definition, a malicious botnet, the kind they are all making us so fearful of.