I watched a video last night from a guy who has access to data which he has used already to predict quite accurately, events that happened such as the exposure of pedophile rings among celebrities and the mainstream media and how during the next 2 years the masses will start to see the m.s.m as it really is, as more and more cases are to b exposed about child sex, and people will start to use independant social media more (such as Steemit) and read none of the mainstream news. This was all his words from 2017 and considering its just started with the facebook thing, I hope his predictions are true and to see it happening that the masses will have a technological revolution and the media will loose the power of control.
It really was a hope lifter to me, to has heard this guys words.
I really hope then that if the mainstream media falls and people only get told news that is actually real and the truth, then maybe the smart grid will fall also, this is one thing that im shit scared off , but a different subject!
Your obviously well researched and passionate about this subject which is awesome :) Until next time!