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RE: Apollo and Dionysos - The Polarized Nature of Man

in #conspiracy2 years ago (edited)

Consciousness itself is a flawed system.

Maybe consciousness isn't a fundamentally flawed system, but somehow our expression of it has become contaminated, hence why we may find ourselves locked within a cyclical matrix of finite time, a hermetically (vibrationally) sealed bubble that floats through an ocean of infinity. Awaiting an end-time when we once again become fully aligned.

Historically, I do have a fairly comprehensive level of research and experience relating to the nature of these interweaving (macro-micro) cycles and how the body mathematically integrates itself into them – and I am preparing an in-depth article that lays it all out. To my mind, we're looking at the inverted infiltrated weaponisation of the hermetic principle of rhythm (observationally manifesting itself in our breath, passion, the tides, seas crashing against the shore, and even the psychedelic experience) that's not to say that we're defenseless tumbleweeds blown by the winds of change. Rather they have carefully chosen their timing in order that universal principles energise their agenda. Equally, in the microcosm of the individual, if you understand the process you can use it to realise your greatest potential.

In terms of awakening - I will just say that the working title of my latest series is "weaponised oneness and the change agents of the (not so) great awakening". lol

My intuition (a lifelong hunch that I have taken a great deal of time to quantify and factually verify) is that what a majority of what people are relaying as “awakening” is akin to the subversive socially engineered beguilement of the false light. I contend that the control structure is such that (if you allow yourself to be swept along by the momentum of its entangled narratives) it has achieved a level of perceptual permeation that allows it to manifest within both sides of the dialectic, the dark and the light, the devastation and the reformation.

In relation to the devastation, my research believes me to believe that their obsession with time also alludes to the fact that they're planning for an event -thus the system they're constructing is not so much about the moment, as maintaining the upper hand in the aftermath of what they anticipate is coming. As such the majority of the world has a uniformitarian mindset, whereas the cult occupy (and intend to utilise to their advantage) one of Catastrophism.

It’s also a deception that has been thousands of years in the planning, thus as I have been tracking it for most of my life – there is very little that I see happening that is unexpected. And if I am aware, you can be sure that our societal architects have a far deeper awareness.

That is certainly not to say that I disagree with your analysis of a concurrent "apocalypse" or that there aren't individuals (like yourself :D) who are awake to the multi-layered spectrum of the deception - but that this is very much anticipated, and thus what we're observing is an attempted subverted weaponisation of selected truth - aspects of which contain truths that speak to us at a very deep and profound level. Indeed, in the age of information, when viewed through the filtered lens of interpretation, truth is now a deceiver of profound implications.

My formative years were spent in and around the new age traveller scene, so like yourself I'm well versed in hedonism, anarchy, illegal raves, squat parties, riots, and protests. lol I had a wild, crazy, dangerous, hair-raising hilarious time. But I realised that love is the law, and that includes the self-love of your mind, body, and soul.

I have a modicum of knowledge regarding the Babylonian monetary system. Equally, from Sumeria onwards whatever the outward appearances, we are still looking at the feudal control mechanisms of creditor and interest-bearing debtor. The cause and effect of debt (which is often spirituality associated with sin) are leading to the corporate dominion of the earth. This began through the belief/perception that the gods were believed to own all the land/resources, but as their intermediaries, the priest were the custodians of it - from there we took our tentative steps towards feudalism that is now pushing us towards planet earth incorporated. A scourge that has now bulldozed its way across an entire planet

From my perspective, Babylon (Nimrod etc etc) is symbolic of an attempt at playing God and creating a global order, all narratives that are currently playing out around us. On paper what we're observing is the formation of a unified digital financial system (world wage) that (following a collapse) will ride in on a wave of uniformity that will masquerade as equality. That said, through critical observation and the context of the moment, we can discern that this is akin to a sleight of hand that will give rise to the fascism of technocratic global feudalism. A form of pseudo equality where the controlling entities will own everything - and we will be expected to be happy to get what we're given.

I also contend that the Islamic perspective of debt (usury) as sin, is a key reason why they have never been allowed to construct a flourishing banking system - at least not one that exists outside the machinations of our controlling entities. The fall of Gaddafi (and his attempts to build a gold-backed dinar) displays what happens to those who attempt it.

Anyway, I do really appreciate your views, perspectives, and the exchange of our thoughts, and I'm sorry for the late reply - but I've been away all over Christmas and New Year. Happy New Year and I hope you had a good one. Starting in the next week or so - I'll probably be moving my blog over to #blurt, as I appreciate what they're trying to achieve - would be great to see you over there. That doesn't mean you have to leave #hive or anything - just I might not be around here too much.
