This contest is over please join the 6/09 one.
Daily giveaway 6/08/2018.

First Place: @fesvarius
Second Place: @greendo
Third Place: @raminet
Fourth Place: @diogosantos
Fifth Place: @luzeroc4
Sixth Place: @lejen
Seventh Place: @good.karna
Eighth Place: @stav-cohen
Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:
First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD
The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.
I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.
To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.
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Suggested Daily Topic
The daily topic for today is:
What would you do to help better the world?
Thanks @drvimto for today's topic.
In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!
Exactly what I do. I teach meditation. Every "ounce" of stress an individual has makes it harder for them to be a good citizen in the world. The stress leads to suffering, to violence and to unhappiness. With the right practice of meditation, one person at a time I help them be a little better and being them.
@bunnypuncher I notice you've used bid bots above $50 in payouts. Has this presented a problem for you with those that police this?
You got a 77.73% upvote from @t50 courtesy of @petervroom!
To use this service send a minimum of 0.010 SBD or STEEM to @t50 with the post you want upvoted as the memo.
Low Minimum Bids!
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Earn Passive Income By Delegating SP to the Bot.
Overbid Protection
Voting processed every 2.4h (2,880 blocks).
@t50 follows all followers!
Invest and earn daily by delegating to the bot, we match or beat popular competitors.
If you do not want to receive upvotes from @t50 you can ask to be blacklisted by replying to this comment.
This bid bot thing is fascinating.
Joining a charitable organization is a great way to improve life in the immediate environment.
I want to give basic needs to live , to every person of the world .
You got a 50.00% upvote from @payforplay! Please consider delegating steem power to @payforplay. We are currently sharing 100% of our profits with our delegators. That's correct, 100%! It doesn't get better than that. It is essentially running your own bid bot without doing any of the work. Steem power can be delegated here:
Keep on doing what I'm doing: raise my children well, do the best job I can at work, give to charity, etc.
You just planted 0.07 tree(s)!
Thanks to @rufusfirefly
We have planted already 4446.24 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 25682.04
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku
Good job
Not having kids will help the world a bunch.
Congrat to the all winners
I do not know..😊😊
Jadilah warga negara yang mau melibatkan diri.
Agar bisa membantu orang-orang di luar negeri, Anda harus mencari badan amal yang bergerak di bidang tertentu dan menyalurkan bantuan dengan cara terbaik.
Give donations through the right charity.
Agar bisa membantu orang-orang di luar negeri, Anda harus mencari badan amal yang bergerak di bidang tertentu dan menyalurkan bantuan dengan cara terbaik.
Contoh yang paling baik misalnya dengan menjadi sukarelawan untuk membangun daerah tertinggal/terdampak bencana atau memberikan pelayanan kesehatan di pedalaman. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa:
Mengajari anak-anak tunawisma membaca dan menulis.
Membagikan makanan dan air minum kepada warga yang terkena bencana.
Bergabung dalam kegiatan sosial yang mendukung penghijauan lingkungan.
Lindungilah lingkungan. Lakukan hal-hal yang bisa melindungi lingkungan secara global. Cara terbaik adalah dengan mengurangi ketergantung pada bahan bakar yang berasal dari pertambangan dan sumber-sumber lain yang berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan. Gunakan kendaraan umum, sepeda, atau kendaraan listrik untuk bepergian.
Get used to recycle properly. Lately, quite a lot of entrepreneurs who will pick up waste and waste items for them though again productively, such as plastic packaging waste can be used as a material umbrella maker, purse, or wallet. Recyclable items usually come from plastic bottles, beverage cans, and paper.
be an animal rescue activist
Menyampaikan usulan kepada pemerintah agar membuat peraturan untuk melindungi kehidupan binatang.
Get used to recycle consistently.
I think education is the key to a better world. I am not an educator but if I could that is what I would do,
Education that teaches people to think. Not the kind that enforces a particular worldview.
I would cutiefy and octofy everything to make the world cuter.
I think it seems like the craziest thing to do by people who do not have a high education because we're just ordinary folk
Honestly this is a topic that lol to be discussed but, do not this maybe we can achieve in the near future if we do earnestly
Working hard, it is a brilliant idea because if we work forward, as long as do not be lazy
If I had all of the time and the money in the world I would enlist people I trusted to help me travel the world and find people and projects who could use a little bit of help. There are good people everywhere trying to make a difference in their communities and I wish I could help them and get to know them.
I use bamboo straws replace plastic straws, Small solution, great effect.
Simple example: You use a plastic straw / day, A year you discharge into the environment 365 plastic straws. Why do not you just use 10 bamboo straws? Because, bamboo straw can be reused for up to 1 year. After it's damaged, you can return it to the mother earth.
Good for you, for your son, for your family. It is also good for the environment, the Earth, humanity. Basics are good on all fronts.
Bamboo straw production
Bamboo straw Features:
Bamboo straw cleaning:
Bamboo straw do not use chemical anti-mold, absolutely, safe for users.
Combo 10 bamboo straws bonus 1 scrub brush
Great idea.
Thanks for sharing ^^
Project này đang triển đó tuộc @takosdiary
I like this.. Nice idea you've got there.
thank you :D
Building a super luxury project for the future is therefore a must try
Perhaps by making a project for the future as well as a business known throughout the world such as agriculture, plantation
I would take responsibility for my problems; I don't blame others.
Try to observe how your happiness and well-being are connected to others and the environment. Learn how to create a sustainable life happiness.
Simply smile more often. Like in my last post, I explain why people complain a lot. No need to just keep on smiling and you'll be fine and it will make the world a better place! 😄👍
Get rid of science deniers and pseudoscience peddlers :)
este primero que nada tratar al máximo de evitar la contaminación ya que es uno de los principales problemas del mundo
Earth, a magnificent marvelous settlement with many opportunities doing things to build a more beautiful life on it. However, the number of options sometimes burdensome and there are always other ways to contribute that may have been unthinkable. As expectations begin to fade, wikiHow can help restore it by providing useful guidance on how to improve the world and society as a whole. Happy reading and building the world..
If you do not want to work you have to work to earn enough money, so you no longer have to work
Encourage local residents to work devotion by planting trees, straightening sidewalks, and cleaning the park in residential neighborhoods.
Fair trade products are always labeled as special. If you are not convinced, at least do not buy goods that are produced unethically. Coffee, bananas, chocolates, tropical fruits, wine (especially from California), clothing (especially from China, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia), and jewelry are usually produced through unethical production processes.
You can even choose organizations that focus on your interests and match your location. If not you, who else? If not now when?
Maintaining a good life will have a significant positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet for future generations..
This is super great contest
I want to participate in your daily contest
Earth, a magnificent marvelous settlement with many opportunities doing things to build a more beautiful life on it. However, the number of options sometimes burdensome and there are always other ways to contribute that may have been unthinkable.
Take care and be proud of the area where you live. In addition to your own interests, it can also protect others in your community. Use it well if there is a chance to help because not everyone has this opportunity. Try to think of ways to improve the environment in your residence, for example by doing the following:
Sertifikasi fair trade menjamin barang-barang diproduksi dalam kondisi kerja yang memperlakukan para pekerja secara manusiawi dengan membayar gaji yang pantas dan kondisi kerja yang layak.
In my view the biggest issue the world is facing is the divide among the people around it, these are just things that make our mind think differently towards one another we are one human race and come from a single life source through Adam and Eve. Now we are divided among borders, ethnicities, religion and language. Most of the wars fought in the past were on these issues and we to stop these wars in the future. I would definitely make the world a better place by uniting the human race as truly one global community.
Welcome to steemit..
Hey @bunnypuncher,,Great contest.
Fixing the World Starts from the Nearest Neighborhood
If you've ever been in a group of actors, you'll see, without a doubt, that they can not talk about things other than acting, that's exactly the same as the basketball players.Your heart must be fully engaged in your work.
No one can hurt you, except those you really care about, or those who do not really care about you.
Always try to promote education, I believe that the nations that make the most progress are those with the best quality of education. If you have very well educated the individuals of a population could bet that the right decisions were made when carrying out a country.
I share this idea. i am a teacher and education is the main factor to improve the world
Ranging from simple things only.