It's your upvotes that make this contest happen.
Daily giveaway 6/26/2018.

First Place: @williammarin
Second Place: @osita21
Third Place: @kingyus
Fourth Place: @kmayegaindia
Fifth Place: @mtw
Sixth Place: @pankuvirat
Seventh Place: @masterwali
Eighth Place: @vinr
Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:
First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD
The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.
I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.
To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.
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Suggested Daily Topic
The daily topic for today is:
What are the biggest challenges your country is facing right now?
In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!
Trump mostly :P
I would disagree; the echo chamber and constant emotional state they are thrusting upon people to prevent them from thinking rationally is more likely. Trump is just a puppet for people to focus on while we still slaughter people throughout the world regardless of who’s the puppet in chief.
I live in South Africa. We have everything we need. The people, the resources, the constitution, a history of overcoming adversity. Our challenge is that right now we are living in a kleptocracy.
Mi país (Venezuela) actualmente enfrenta muchos desafíos que percibimos vivir la vida día por día... Un país donde sus habitantes no tienen ingreso a la moneda ($), una escasez de transporte que requiere a la mayoría de la población usar el transporte ofrecido por el estado (gratis) el metro que ya al pasar los años su rendimiento ha venido en caída desde mal servicio por no requerir al mantenimiento por eso y mas nos enfocamos en vivir el día a día por otro tema que es la alimentación ya que con un sueldo de aproximadamente 5$ al mes no es suficiente para los alimentos, la devaluación de nuestra moneda va en aumento los precios suben todos los días y es terrible.
Un saludo y abrazo al resto de lxs Latinoamericanxs en especial a lxs del SUR.
Hi @alexandracruz, I am posting an English translation of your important comment.
Hi. I'm Venezuelan and I live in Venezuela, so I find it difficult to choose where to start, but let's start:
1- Physical insecurity: This is a country with a runaway crime, and armed by the same government, armed criminals to defend this alleged revolution, which is nothing more than an assault on power, at this time from the force , because the elections are a farce with the results chosen in advance.
2- Legal uncertainty: The right of property is not respected, the government and its vandals believe they have the right to expropriate, or rather to plunder or steal the work of others.
3- The high cost of living: With the basic salary of a month you can only buy one kg of meat and how we do with the rest
4- The lack of medical supplies: There are no medicines in hospitals, or in medical centers or even in pharmacies, to buy a simple antibiotic you have to look for it in the black market and pay it at exorbitant prices
5- The scarcity of food: The government was responsible for destroying all the country's production to induce hunger and control the people in that way, destroying agriculture, livestock, trade and industries
6- The high level of unemployment; Generated by what was previously narrated
7- The lack of spare parts and supplies and their high cost: In my case I just damaged the "Moden" to connect to the Internet. I originally bought it for 150 Bolívares to buy it today I have to pay 40,000,000 bolivares, something like 20 Steem, in other countries it is not much, in a country like this that the basic salary is less than 2 dollars a month is exaggeratedly expensive . How do I restore it? I'll have to keep asking someone to lend me their internet a moment to continue publishing.
And I'm going to stop here, not because it's all, but because I do not want to be chained in an endless stream of evils that got entangled in my country.
Maybe you wonder why we do not manifest to get them out.
I'll tell you in Venezuela there are hundreds of protests every day, only mass protests can not be made since there are no leaders capable of organizing them, since the alleged opposition is nothing more than a sold out group, delivered and kneeling in front of the criminals who they govern.
The solution?
International intervention Already!
Dear @bunnypuncher,
Our biggest challenge in Morocco is to lower the cost of living for citizens.
best regards
U.S. - to stop all of the infighting and have the people in gov't work together in a more harmonious and united way.
The core challenge lies in the economy, of that there is no doubt. If the patch policy is not left - necessary but insufficient - the negative trend that accompanies the revolutionary process can hardly be reversed
Photo speaks thousand words
People eating out of the garbage
People dying from lack of medicine
The high cost of living
All of us have the same thing in common. The few that rule keep us from freedom, wealth, liberty and health.
The control mechanisms is the same in every country.
Sexual impropriety.
In some countries the people don't have a voice or a right to bare arms.
In my country we have no excuse.
have to put up with maduro as president all these days
The inflation
The shortage of medicines
The high cost of food
Starvation, impunity, corruption, bad administration, hiperinflation, there's not even enough cash to all population and sometimes, we have to go from place to place by foot. I don't know, men. You'd have to live here for at least one month.
There are a lot of issues as a country, Pakistan we have to address. First of our corrupt leadership last year our prime minister Nawaz Sharif was proved to be involved in the Panama paper scandal but refused to withdraw his seat until the supreme court declared him unlawful and made him resugn forcefully. Another issue that erupted this year is the water shortage throughout the country where our dams are drying up and a survey states that by 2025 Pakistan will be declared for drought.

Just recently I visited some of the drought affected areas and saw with my own eyes the issues that these people are facing gave them clean water and food.
These are real issues that we as a nation have to resolve.
Unreliable media, conflicts with the European Union (the judiciary, forest, refugees), poor health care situation, the reform of education, social inequalities... but the majority of Poles, would answer at this point probably "Mundial" ^^
The remote origin of the protests
The situation in Venezuela is not new. Since 2014, the country has experienced cyclical street protests and violent clashes between law enforcement and opposition demonstrators. The circumstances are diverse: on the one hand, an opposition that considers Maduro's electoral base weaker than Chávez's, and observes a window of opportunity; on the other, the perennial and intensified economic crisis of the country.
Venezuela faces numerous problems. The most graphic, the shortage: the state maintains a system of price regulation and distribution that places the value of the products below the market price. Virtually, the vast demand causes that they exhaust themselves with voracity, which causes that they disappear of the shelves. Thus, a fertile black market has flourished, encouraged by the trend, where thousands of Venezuelans come for oil or chocolate.
To the shortage, inflation must be combined: that of Venezuela is the highest in the world and causes that, in a country that depends on imported goods, lower incomes have serious problems to access goods of any kind. In addition, the recent drop in oil prices, which weakened local finances and insecurity (Venezuela is one of the most violent countries in the world) draw a rather hopeless picture for many Venezuelans.
have this bastard as president
@bunnypuncher well done sir. Appreciate your work. This will give encouragement and a big help to new members of steem. i am also participating and have hope of winning this.
hey @bunnypuncher, i was just reading your story of that mistake when you lost all your SBD, I was thankful for @beatenegg who return your all SBD..
Man I 'm thankful of such people who are still honest in this World.
Man i'll will also thankful of you is you will appreciate me for my blogs, and plzz don't miss to upvote and follow me with your comment..
Thanks @bunnypuncher
I have something in my eye. [Look her in her eyes] It's still there it's… its beautiful
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The biggest challenge my country is facing right now is Human Right violation and Massacre. Over 200 people were killed in a village 3 days ago and the President is doing nothing
La dictadura en la que estamos viviendo, no hay comida ni medicinas, la inseguridad nos está matando, los niños y los ancianos se están muriendo por desnutrición severa. Creo que en estos momentos Venezuela es el país más pobre del mundo a pesar de tener petroleo, oro, aluminio, playas, selvas, montañas y desierto. La pobreza ya es extrema mucha gente está comiendo de la basura.
Corruption, everyone is corrupt in my country
Economically, a leader that doesn't understand economics. Politically, the attitude that my party is always right and your party is always wrong and voter that have been brainwashed that a 3rd party vote is a wasted vote.
If there are mistakes, I wrote with translator. I want everyone to know what happens in my country.
The dictatorship in which we are living, there is no food or medicine, insecurity is killing us, children and the elderly are dying of severe malnutrition. I think that at the moment Venezuela is the poorest country in the world despite having oil, gold, aluminum, beaches, jungles, mountains and desert. Poverty is already extreme, many people are eating from garbage.
World Cup
Great question for Venezuela. The most basic challenges are food and medicine. The crisis is widespread, we have serious problems that require humanitarian intervention.
The greatest challenge here in Nigeria is terrorism.... about 100 people were killed in a violence linked to herdsmen in Plateau state and the government has not been able to stop boko haram and herdsmen.
How to lessen the illegal drugs here
The biggest challenges my country is facing right now are Corruption, drugs, poverty, and highly commodities in the market.
There are many challenges that my country VENEZUELA lives in these moments, which are political, economic, social, cultural crises. "extreme poverty".
this is new ways to erned money.this is good idea.
Regulating Crypto currency in India with legal and technical expertise
The biggest challenge presented by my country Venezuela is the President of the Republic Nicolas Maduro.
My country is face to face corruption, uneducated people, war, pollution, crisis.
Good topic today. In my country, Venezuela, the biggest challenge is to be able to continue day after day with all the problems that are currently experienced: food, medicine, transportation and many more.
Definitely the world soccer cup :-) 2018 ⚽️✌️
Everything is a challenge in my country. Venezuela.
corruption and killings
I would say keeping the economy sustainable, it is always at the threshold of an crisis.
Absolutely everything in Venezuela, it's a disaster.
Economy, Health, Education, Transportation, Housing, Public services, Electricity, Water, Gas. I do not exaggerate, everything is a challenge.
good morning today in my country venezuela is a disaster in all its dimensions is unfortunate to see a country with so many natural resources in all its forms many minerals and much oil and most importantly the human resource that unfortunately migrated to other latitudes in search of a better quality of life for their families is unfortunate since the pacotiya politicians ended up with such a beautiful country
All the challenges will be successfully overcome.
Socialism. Venezuela.
It's about the issue of some governments and religious leader.
When i read challenge = VENENZUELA
things here are like those tv show survivor. jst crazy