Guess These Locations and Win the SBD Rewards From This Post

in #contest7 years ago


These snapshots were taken in various locations I have visited. Guess their locations by replying with a comment. The first person to guess all locations correctly (or to guess most, if no one guesses all) wins the SBD rewards from this post.

Please be as specific as possible. For example, “7. Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, USA” rather than just “USA”.

The hints are in the pictures. The contest will end when this post pays out or when someone guesses all locations correctly and is named the winner.











Location photos are taken by the author or by friends or family, used by permission. Puzzle photo is from Pixabay.

There are 3 pages
  1. The Butchart Gardens, Canada
  2. Dennis the Menace Park California (In Monterey)
  3. Myeongdong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea (Somewhere in that Area)
  4. Lion Camp San Diego Safari Park (15500 San Pasqual Valley Rd, Escondido, CA 92027, USA)
  5. Lands End, San Franciso, California (Near Sutro Baths)
    I spent way too much time doing detective work @donkeypong haha

Very good work, I've been to Butchart Gardens, photographed Dennis the menace a few weeks ago while in California, on 3 i think this on Myeongdong street, based on the signs on the buildings, 4 appears to be accurate as well, and I think 5 is near a place I think is called shelter cove, just south of San Francisco. I am very impressed with your research abilities.

And @arckrai wins it! All locations are correct, as evidenced by the fact that many others have copied your answers since then. Picture # 3 was taken in Seoul, though it was a few neighborhoods further north, if I recall (close enough). Some people thought # 4 was in Africa, but I kindly left the logo on the door of the jeep there, rather than blot it's just a glorified zoo in the US. # 5 A lot of people thought that was further north on the coast, but yes, that's in San Francisco right in front of the old Sutro Bath ruins.

You've earned the SBD rewards from this post, which I will calculate and pay you once the post pays out.

Congrats to @arckrai and thanks to everyone for playing!

I'm speechless... I don't know what to say. The whole world came to the stand still as I was injected with a shot of euphoria. The most I can do to show my gratitude is to say thank you @donkeypong. The money generated from this post will definitely go to good use as I'll probably use it to cover my rent for a week or so.

I'm just so glad I found steem and what it has enabled me to do. The greatest thing this platform has given to me is financial security as I have more leeway in life rather than living off the skin of my teeth as the cost of living is tremendously high compared to the wage I get here as a primary school teacher.

This just gives me the vigour to continue my work on steemit commenting and posting everyday. I think I'm on a 1+ month of posting every day and hopefully, I can keep this run going. I love making philosophical posts and something like this just keeps me going. I'd like to say Thank You again @donkeypong and I hope you have a great day since you have made mine.

Congratulation I couldn't find the last one one but it is there wow well played!
How did you find the fifth?
I spent more than an hour as well haha

I've spent two hours looking for it. Mostly because winning this has the potential to pay for my rent for a couple of weeks
Created my comment.
Then saw people have similar answers so I'm not sure what my odds are on winning haha
I found the last one by look at the graffiti where it says 'PABcrew'. Scoured the internet and checked with google maps and found out it was Lands End (insane detective work... call me Sherlock Holmes from now on)
I just woke up and I really want to go to sleep now after this @napkin haha

Now I'm near the top it seems like some people have started to copy my answers unless they have been to each individual place haha Hopefully I am right or else I'm giving some people huge hints

Yeah I'm pretty sure you answered them all correctly. I just realized the 2nd one was dennis menace not too long ago, I thought the statue was an elf. Lol I didn't know what the last one was though, until I saw your answer, then I looked it up to see if it was correct, you were right on the ball man. Well done @arckrai. (☞゚∀゚)☞

ha..ha.... really nice hard work.. :)

Thank you but it depends if it is right haha
@donkeypong hasn't said anything so I'm not sure

how did u know about them all at once!!??

2 hours or analysing and searching the Internet
It really does go to show how from 1 picture some is able to track you down.
Some scary stuff haha

The first one is definitely Butchart gardens on Victoria Island in Canada. The last one is lands end; it was just there and this shot was taken at the old bath house building remains

Thank You for your reassurance! :)

well done, Sherlock Holmes :-D

wow very good work indeed!
u do have some sherlock homes skills!

Well done. Take my upvote for your rent mate because I know that feeling ;) I am also looking for money for my rent ;D

That's funny.

I will try to guess

  1. Canada
  2. France
  3. Korea
  4. San diego
  5. Germany

Someone already gave the answers. But here are my enteries.:

1.High Gardens.
4.The Iron Throne.

Nice one mate 😂😂 GOT!

yes mate. lol. the season finale and minus two episodes from what we are used too has cuases a massive depletion of GOTreline hormone. :-)


  1. Canada, British Columbia, Butchart Gardens near Victoria

  2. France, Paris - Le Jardins du Trocadéro

  3. South Korea,Seoul, Jung-gu,

  4. USA. hotels near yosemite national park california

  5. USA. Central coast California

  1. Butchart Gardens Victoria
  2. Monterey California Dennis the Menace
  3. Beiing China
    4.Arizona desert
  4. Off the coast of Britain somewhere

Hi i am new on steemit plzz follow me at @aabisteemvoter and upvote my posts plzz

  1. butchart gardens | Victoria, British Columbia
  2. Statue | France
  3. Pedestrian | Seoul, South Korea
  4. Car and Lions | SAN DIEGO ZOO SAFARI PARK California
  5. Coast | Germany
  1. Butchart Gardens, British Columbia
  2. No idea, but the plant in the background is Lobelia aguana so it must be someplace temperate...Uhhh, somewhere in California?
  3. Seoul, South Korea
  4. Botswana?
  5. California coast

#1 Butchart Gardens in Canada
#2 Monterey, CA
#3 Hong Kong
#4 San Diego Zoo Safari Park
#5 Berlin, Germany

1.Butchart Gardens, BC, Canada
2.Dennis the Menace park, monterey, CA
3.Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
4.San Diego Zoo Safari park, san diego, CA
5.North of Berlin,Germany

1 is easy. Others have found similar.

  1. Butchart Gardens, Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada
  2. Disneyland, LA, California
  3. Seoul, Korea
  4. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
  5. Pebble Beach, California, USA
  1. Shire
  2. My Backyard
  3. China
  4. Nope
  5. Fall of berlin wall, collorised.
    In case that wasnt obvious i was being fasecious
    Nice photos btw.

1 Butchart Gardens British Colombia.
2 Park-Monterey,California
3 Sogong-dong, South Korea
4 San Pasqual Valley, San Diego
5 Bodega Bay, California


1 Butchart Gardens, British Columbia, Canada
2 Dennis the Menace Park, Monterey, California
3 Jong- gu, Seoul, South Korea
4 San Diego ZOO Safari Park, USA
5 ...

Hey thanks for the great giveaway!

1- Butchart Gardens, Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada
2- Monterrey, California, USA (Dennis the Menace)
3- Seoul, South Korea
4- San Diego Zoo Safari Park, San Diego, California, USA
5- North of Germany (around Hamburg)

1: Butchart Gardens, Vancouver, Canada
2: Monterey, California, USA
3: Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
4: Safari Park, San Diego, USA
5: North Germany (not Berlin)

1.Canada, British Columbia, Butchart Gardens near Victoria
2France, Paris - Le Jardins du Trocadéro
3.Japan Shin-ookubo Tokyo
4.San Diego Zoo Safari park, San Diego-CA
5..USA. Central coast California

These are my guesses :

  1. Butchart Gardens, Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada
  2. Dennis the menace statue, Calif
  3. Sogong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
  4. San Diego Zoo Safari Park, San Diego, USA
  5. Sea Coast, Berlin, Germany

Hi @donkeypond let me give it a try also 1.Park View Site Denmark 2.California City Square Park USA 3.The CBD major lane Capital City Korea 4.Nairobi National Reserve Game Park Nairobi Kenya.5The off shore coastline of Atlantic ocean South Carolina USA,Lastly the pictures are well perfected with it's photogenic completion thanks man,keep it up.

I never been to many places, but the fourth picture looks like the place where I come from; AFRICA. Apart from that, the other pictures look so unfamiliar.
I guess I've totally missed out of the contest

I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.

This is a really cool contest!
Looks like a lot of fun, I wouldn't have probably tried to figure them all out but I really enjoyed the pictures and it looks like a lot of people went on the hunt!

I know #5 quite well. Sutro Baths, with a nice view of Seal Rock.I've stood in that exact spot. I grew up in the Sunset district. I learned to surf right nextdoor at Kelly's Cove. And learned to drink at Surto's, a lot.

all the location is very beautiful..but I like the location no 1, because the image of nature is still fresh.It seems the air is still very fresh.

Based on google help location i found that:

  1. Canada, British Columbia, Butchart Gardens near Victoria.

  2. Le Jardins du Trocadéro - Paris, France.

  3. Jung-gu, Seoul (South Korea).

  4. San Diego Zoo Safari park, San Diego-CA.

  5. Goat Rock Beach is a sand beach in northwestern Sonoma County, California, United States.

Looking at the number of answers, I probably missed out already. Will check out your future contests!

Dont know locations, but beautiful pictures. Thanks for such a nice sharing. Please enjoy my vote.

  1. Denmark

1my dream garden


right now i think my whole life sucks, cause i haven't travel much. so no idea about those places

Have a nice day
Your post has touched my mind.if you never share i can not seen your sharing place.
thanks up vote you. go head

1 Butchart Gardens British Colombia.
2 Park-Monterey,California
3 Sogong-dong, South Korea
4 San Pasqual Valley, San Diego
5 Bodega Bay, California


upvoted thanks for sharing i follow you @donkeypong kindly follow me back too.lets support each other upvoting..thanks. my friend.

1:The Butchart Gardens is a group of floral display gardens in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada, located near Victoria on Vancouver Island.
2:A statue is a sculpture,
3:A pedestrian is a person traveling on foot, whether walking or running. In some communities, those traveling using tiny wheels such as roller skates, skateboards, and scooters, as well as wheelchair
4:car and lion on the top
5:The term coastal zone is a region where interaction of the sea and land processes occurs. Both the terms coast and coastal are often used to describe a geographic location or region; for example, New Zealand's West Coast, or the East and West Coasts of the United States.

beautiful picture. it looks like number five in Indonesia, number four in korea, that's my guess.
whether in the picture there is also a specific code.

The Butchart Gardens, Canada
Dennis the Menace Park California (In Monterey)
Seoul, South Korea
Lion Camp San Diego Safari Park
And the last one can be anywhere on seaside...

the first picture No 1 taken from Butchart Gardens All others i cannot guess not guess

  1. Butchart Gardens near Victoria

I got really no clue where those photos were taken from.
What I know is " They're all awesome! "

Hi i am new on steemit plzz follow me at @aabisteemvoter and upvote my posts plzz

@donkeypong. Picture 1 Butchart Gardens, British Columbia

Nice post bro. please vot for vot.

-3 Safari Park (it says on the car) i guess in Kenya?
I don't know the rest, so maybe it could be a help to others haha good luck.

location is very beautiful
3 pic in china

Hmm, the first photo must be from the Butchart Gardens in Canada, but I have no clue about the rest, unfortunately 😁

have no ideA for te locations in the photos but they are amazin!!!! No5 it's the best one though :P

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postingan yang luar biasa, saya selalu menyukainya, saleum

I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.

1 - The Butchart Gardens, Canada


2 - Dennis the Menace playground in MONTEREY


3 - Myeongdong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea


4 - Lion Camp San Diego Safari Park, USA


5 - Lands End, San Franciso, California - Lands End Trail: One of the Best place in San Francisco near Sutro Baths


I have no idea of any of those places, but truly beautiful, guess the statue is Dennis the Menace, or Daniel el Travieso, as he was known in Spain... the rest, amazingly new to me, but lovely amazing!

There are 3 pages