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RE: Bunnypuncher's daily giveaway 4/20/2018 - 5 SBD to the winner.

in #contest6 years ago

I'm totally stumped! I think I can be seen as a newbie here on Steemit although I have posted on and off since I joined, but I would really like to blog consistently. So I found your #fridaybluesky contribution, clicked on your name to see what you are doing here, read about your daily giveaways and thought it would be fun to join... only now I don't really understand what I have to do today... except posting a comment? Or did I miss something here totally... forgive me if I did, I'm not sooo young and sharp anymore. Babyboomer age and all that goes with it... so I upvoted our post and am going to click the "follow" button now...


All you have to do is post a comment (like you did). So you are now in the runnig for tomorrow's drawing.

Cool! Thank you.