in #contest7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemians

This is your Crypto Boy with another Contest where you win 5 STEEM just by expressing your thoughts

Today's topic is " Success Story "

You mention one of your Success Story like Winning a Competition or Starting a business etc

Express your thought and win 5 STEEM


1: Only 1 entry per user
2: Upvote and Resteem this blog post.
3: Don't copy the words from the internet
4: Honest expression of words will be rewarded
5: Your Comment Should not be more than 100 words

Don't neglect the above rules. If you have made an entry and forgot a rule, your entry will be disqualified.

The Winner will be announced on 21 January 2018.

From now on there will be a contest every 2 Days So don't forget to follow me @manojm

The winner of the below contest is @alvinauh

Alvinauh Quote was:

Success for me is having people come up to me and thanking me for changing their lives. It can be something big or small, their gratitude means that I have been a light in their darkness and a helping hand in their troubles. That for me, is success.

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Share your story
And resteem this post so that others can join

My Success

Over the years from 2010 to 2018 as of now, I can say that I have been successful in writing online and able to have established my name. I have also made a lot of real friends all over the world and still keep contact through social sites. I am thankful to all who helped me to become a somebody instead of a nobody

I started my own currency here in Victoria BC Canada -- We used this currency to fund 17 Hul'qumi'num Language classes. This is a language on the verge of extinction that has existed for at least 10,000 years... We funded the classes by people donating some of the currency that they had aquired by participating in the Tetla Economy. Our tetla economy was featured on the front page of the business section of the Victoria Times Colonist...

Hi,all are have so many success in your life.But my success is different that is to get baby.I think you are not understood what i am said.I get my child after 6 years of marriage,in this time i face many problems and do all medical treatments also,i spend lot of money .At finally by God grass i give birth my child on2015 ,it is very happiest movement in my life.I think this is great achievement in by life.

Few years ago me and my friends did a charity project where we came out with a charity album for christmas. We did everything ourselves, from writing songs, to recordings and producing. We did it in a span of 2 months and sold about 300 copies where 100% of profits goes to orphanage

Being the student of @steemiteducation initiative, my sucess story is:

Prior to joining of my steemit, i was an active trader in stocks/shares in pakistan stock exchange where i have sufferred a loss of around Rs.1.2million and 70% amount was borrowed from friends and relatives. It was a huge setback for me. I have discussed this matter with my friend and he encouraged me and told me about steemit. I had joined steemit in june 2017 and in December 2017, i have been able to earn around Rs.1.00 million which, i think, is huge recovery in my loss. This all happened by Grace of Almighty Allah and @cryptokraze who support me as well. In my point of view, this was a huge success.

upvoted and resteemed.

My success story is about Steemit and how it is helping me to achieve my personal goals. I am a fiction writer, newly returned to the craft after time away. In my 7 months on Steemit, I have joined several writing communities, have written a series of posts on the concepts and craft of fiction writing, and a number of short stories. I am now in a 16-week writing boot camp with a group of 8 writers called #writeclub, in which I will produce 8 publishable stories. This never would have happened if I hadn't found Steemit! (See introducemyself.)

A table tennis competition was organised by my faculty last year . After a lot of stages in the competition, it so happened I had to face a friend at the finals. A friend who plays better than I do but still I determined and trained harder. I won at the finals with 2 point different even my friend could not believe . My own success story.

My new Business. For very long a time, I have tried to Start my own Business. finally I was able to. Success to me have many front, but one am going to talked about is finally and capable to carter for my family and loves one with my new business "Jephline Early" This is the greatest Success I ever achieved.

My Successful Story:-
It was 2003 when I was unemployed and was worried about my job as I was graduate, so I saw banner of an admission in a collage for computer course, I joined that collage and get the training about computer. After completing the computer course I was selected to do a job in a Government Sector, I was started my job on fix emolument of Rs.3000/- per month. I worked hard and gradually my salary increased and with the passage of time I learned a lot and my living standard increased with the passage of time. Presently I am a confident and living a standard life as I am getting salary Rs.38000/- per month, I can support my family as regard the financially and I considered myself a successful person as I have get the success gradually and I did work hard and now successful, this is my successful story.

Good career building story, excellent work dear teenauk.

About 13 years ago I was taking my children to play practice and fell in love with theater. I wanted to know how someone could become a youth theater director. I looked up tips and how to online, volunteered to make costumes for the next play and did such a good job, was invited to be a director for the next play. I LOVED it. Loved inspiring the kids. I ended up directing 5 more plays, then writing my own and producing them. It was a wonderful time!

One Success Story
By, @eaglespirit

There are many things in my life I am very grateful for, and that includes the very valuable lesson of overcoming difficult obstacles.

My mother turned to drugs when I was very young and from an early age I had to figure things out, that included where to to eat and sleep on a daily basis.

After many years of taking care of my psyche, body, and soul due to a tough beginning I graduated college. All on my own. I have had many successes, but for me graduating college was the ultimate success.

I started steemit 4 months ago without knowing any basic.Just started teamwork and there was no good earning. So I left from blogging here.But one day I just posted on steemit and used some bot and got 5 SBD from only that post. So that I have been very exited now 100% regular on steemit.This is one of my recent success story.


Ok, it short and simple. As we all know it's something really challenging to stand in front of multitude of crowds to either make a presentation or give a speech. It was going to be my first ever presentation I was going to delivering. I had to go through some before I could build some courage. During the presentation, sudden and unexpected questions were been thrown back at me which made it quite challenging. But lo and behold to the glory of God, I still performed wonderfully well. I passed.

Great work keep it up bro

My success story.

i am start workin on steemit about 3 month ago. some o my friend said me its fake... bt i am staying and workin on it .. i don't know the rools .. no one help me. so i was flage 3 time in my post .. bt i am saying ... and working on it .. and no yesterday i gate my first payment .. its too small .. bt i win .. ..
now i am a steemium . bt they are there where i left them 3 monh ago ..

so i am successfull.

never give up and believe is!

My success story
In my penultimate year in the university I was selested to reoresent my department in an inter- faculty quiz competion. I was reluctant to acccept the offer at first because I was very much afraid of failure. What if I go and fail what would my department professors who had reposed confidence in say was my greatest challenge. Then eventually after giving it a thought I accepted. Fortunately for me the competion came and score 89% of the questions thrown and won the comopetition. That further raised my profile in the department and university community in general

Thank you so much, appreciate the rewards.

Participate in this one also
Resteem it k don't forget that

So many success stories that can come from me but the one i will be sharing is that of steemit. i have joined steemit not long ago. About 2 months plus and I have helped people to know the basics of steemit, how to interact with others and how to improve their writing skills. This is a success for me to be able to help them and they do appreciate it which make it an honour for me.


Success, when I can rise from adversity, without looking back and focus on one goal. Useful for myself, my family, other people and especially for my creator.

Being a son of a fisherman, my parents could not send me to school. Thankfully, a charitable institution took me in, for which I had to sacrifice not seeing my family for four years, and there, I finished high school, graduating as one of the top students. I wrote as story about this. Check it here. I went on to win a scholarship and graduated as Magna Cum Laude in College. Now I'm a practicing mechanical engineer in a 5-star hotel. ..

You may check my story featured in an international magazine GineersNow here. :)

Hi i am new successful user of steemit in starting i was upset that how i can run steemit because steemit was unknown for me before some days but my respected teacher encourage me to break barriers and to stand for my dreams now i feel i am in right way such way which goes to success

Getting married in university three days to my exams is my success story. The wedding was on Saturday while i started my examination on Monday. I traveled home, a day to my wedding and got back to school a day to my exam. The marriage was a success and the result of the examination came out in flying color.

I didn't grow poor but i didn't grow rich, it wasn't easy through life but we hustle on the street. I would look at some of my friends and get some headaches, grew with the comply, no self esteem we didn't have money for feed, it wasn't funny but still we couldn't pay that price life wasn't good but still i drink stories with some of my mens from the hood. Drama everyday momma use to say pray for better days, now the better days are here. This my success story.

Okay, so I will try to keep this as short as possible. Long story short, I find four-leaf clovers ALL THE TIME! 20180115_112028[1].jpg
Like, one day I found 30 of them in one patch. Now since I find these four leaf clovers SO OFTEN, I personally believe they are better luck for me if I give them away. One time, I was out walking around with my brother @justinashby and I had just found a patch with about half a dozen of these mutant clovers. So I walked towards the local grocery store to find some random people to give them away to. I saw this girl sitting in front of the store crying. She didn't look so well, dirty tattered cloths, she looked homeless. I took it upon myself to try to cheer her up, so I walked up to her, handed her the best looking clover I had just found and said "Excuse me, miss, but you are ENTIRELY too pretty to be sitting here crying in public". She thanked me, stopped crying, and I went about my day.
About a year later, I was at the local mall, and this girl comes running up to me out of no where yelling "It's you! You're Him!!" and wraps me up in a big, very friendly hug! I hugged her back (cute, random girls don't come up out of no where and hug you every day) and asked her where I knew her from. She told me that I was the guy that had given her the four leaf clover and that I had saved her life. Turns out, she was sitting in front of that store crying, debating taking her own life. She had just gotten out of a very abusive relationship, and had been told repeatedly by her ex all manner of nasty things. "You're ugly. You're worthless" et-cetera. It was no surprise that I didn't recognize her. She was wearing much nicer cloths, almost business casual, had her make-up done all nice, and did not look like the same street mouse I had met the year before. She told me that it was my gesture of giving her the clover and a compliment that saved her life. I convinced her, with just a couple words, that the world was not ALL bad, and maybe there were things worth living for. To me, it was a very small gesture, but to her, it was life changing, literally. I am not sure if this counts as a "success story", but I totally count it as a success. I had no idea that it would be such a huge impact on someone, but it really made me feel good to know that I had affected someone in such a POSITIVE way!
Sorry, probably way more than 100 words, but there is my success story.

Thank you so much for this opportunity @cryptoboy. Success means different things to different people but to me success means being able to do it on my own after so many trials and failures. Back in secondary school I was a science student but I hated my chemistry teacher. I hated him because he punished me a lot. Little did I know that it will affect my future. I sat for my SSCE exam that is the final exam as a secondary school graduate and I passed all except chemistry. I was distraught but I didn't give up. I got tutors to tutor me the subject but I still failed the next year and the year after so I decided to teach myself. I told myself you can do this. You can read this and understand by yourself and so I embarked on the journey of operation teach yourself and guess what? I passed the exam with high grades. This made me love chemistry and I ended up becoming a biochemistry and not to mention I won a federal government scholarship as the best student in my department. A subject I never thought I could made me proud of myself and now I believe there is nothing I cannot achieve once I put my mind to it

My success story is to have memorized perfectly a random order of all 52 cards in a deck of playing cards in under 2 minutes. This kind of speed used to be a world record time back in 1990. There is simply nothing like it for self esteem, for your health and soul. I have zero talent for it. But I brag just as much about the 10 years of daily practice it took me to get there than the talented people who get there in 3 months brag.

You have taken good initiative to support minnows. Keep it up

My achievement is to be selected from others with the things I do with my fondness. I am influencing people by creating a fantasy and it makes me happy and respectful to see it in people's eyes.

Have upvoted and resteemed this post😎

My success story
My husband and I started a home business called "burger delivery to houses for lunch & dinner". It was a humble start with little model. But we were passionate; took orders, buy fresh meat, minced and spiced by ourselves, take delivery, and sent the burger to them one by one. It was hard work. But we didn't give up. Initially it didn't give much return in comparison with the amount of work we put in. With much favor and support because people love our burger, now we owned a burger truck and also a burger outlet. Yay!!! (97 words)

Burger Giler Power (in English is Burger Crazy Power)

Our signature cheese burger with bacon.

When i begin my life as a numismatic dealer, i only start with only RM300 per month and my parent is angry with my decision to involve in this field . Due to this , i was banish from my home . I was able to build up my business until i am able to survive on my own and even have my own youtube channel .

Fitness tests in high school, it just started (back then eh) and we had bar holding for a grade, I had a very fit body I never showed off, and when we went 1 by 1 nobody could go more than 7 seconds after 1 dude went 40 seconds, I held for 1 minute and something and teacher needed to pass me to get to locker and i just moved in the air, she was gone for 1-2 minutes and everyone jaw dropped the teacher came back and I had 5 after that even when I didn't do PE

Follow the rules

I have resteemed now! I forgot sorry I am baked :D

One of my accomplishments in life was when I graduated the Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering. During those days, I thought I could not get the diploma because of the unexpected pregnancy and my father was diagnosed with mild stroke due to my stupidity. I am a person who never giving up, everytime I fall I get up. My inspiration was my baby and my family who never giving up on me. A family who give unconditional love and accept my failure without any doubt. Because of them I finish my studies and become a Civil Engineer.

I left my job in August'16 to pursue design. For first few months I tried Tech Writing and Graphic Design and then moved to UX/UI Design. I enrolled in IDF course last year August and completed 5 of them in 3 months and then did a Udemy course on Freelance Web Design which I completed 2 weeks back.

I am now participating in contests on crowdsourcing websites like 99Designs and putting my 100% to win them and also building my portfolio.

Still I have to start making money from it, but coming this far battling all opposition from society, family and friends is nothing less than a success story for me.