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RE: Curie Comment Contest Week 4 (August 26th - September 2nd, 2018)

in #contest6 years ago

That is very true. If i was new to steemit again i would do a lot of things very differently and one of those that i have passed onto new members is not to worry about posting at the start unless you have something very vital to get across. Comment and interact first and build up connections, otherwise you will spend months working on good posts that earn 1c and just get you discouraged. It's a mistake that i made myself at the beginning but luckily enough had the perseverance to keep going even when this was happening.

I'm new to the curation league but love the concept. Asher is brilliant and projects like curie that do keep people interested and encouraged to keep going. It makes all the difference in the end. Thanks Carl.


This comment thread absolutely deserves to be seen!

The fact that you are combining the Engagement League with the @curie comment contest is just awesome :D

Good luck in the EL this week!

Ssshh, you'll give away all my secrets... If your going to go for it, you might as well go hard.

To be fair i've seen a lot of the same names in the the two places. It makes sense to combine the two when they complement each other so well. How do you find interesting engaged authors, curie already has. If you are going to be commenting and engaging them, might as well try to top the league at the same time.

We agree wholeheartedly! :D