The Masters' Contest # 2 – Are you a lucky person? 15 SBD prize

in #contest6 years ago

masters contest.PNG

Credit: pixabay

In my contests, everybody wins.

And in this one, I want to make a point but instead of just spill it out, it'd be better if you give it a thought for a while. And getting some SBD is always good too.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to answer this simple question -

Are you a lucky person and why?

The Rules:

  • The contest begins today and will last until the end of the month;
  • Give your answer as a comment. Only one comment per person;
  • A yes/no comment would not be sufficient. You must explain why.
  • Your comment does not have to be a written one only;
  • The prize: 15 SBD;
  • How the prize will be divided?: 100% will go to the person who gave an answer that I will have chosen most fit. If there is no such, the prize will be divided between my second favorable answers.
  • To keep the contest fair I will not comment on any of your answers. I will upvote each (1%) to show that I have seen it. In the end, I will announce the winner and post my explanation for choosing.

    Good luck!


There are 2 pages

Everyday I'm seeing people begging money in the streets, they can't work because of their disability and I'm seeing people having a new Lamborghini but yet they aren't satisfied and happy so they bought a new Ferrari, i'm seeing people who have all the resources he wants; but yet never satisfied and committed suicide.

I realized that I'm the luckiest person alive, i can run outside and feel the fresh air, i can touch my cute dog, i can taste the sweetness of ice cream, i can smell the fragrance of a flower. Being alive in this world is an opportunity to everybody, but yet few people gave importance about life. Life is full of adventure and volatile emotions, but despite of ups and downs we never quit in the game of life, because we only live once, be grateful and enjoy the moment. :)

I am lucky to be alive!

Hospital v2.JPG

I died twice after complications with ulcerative colitis, in total I had twelve surgeries over three years and now live with a permanent ostomy bag.

I am lucky I am fit and healthy

Insideout Banner No Logo with shoe.jpg

Me kicking arse! I spent years fearing a hernia as with an ostomy it is 50% more likely. My hubby @shai-hulud and I have now been training consistently for over three years and I have a very healthy relationship between chocolate and cardio.

I am lucky to have found the most amazing partner

Wedding v2.jpg

Love was something I thought I would never find living with an ostomy bag. This man accepted me and not only loved me as I was but taught me how to love myself again.

I have a million more reason's why I am lucky but I know by the end of the month you will have a lot to read so I will keep it to just these three. Thanks for putting this contest out there :)

I'm lucky one can't believe you married that neckface pretty sure that I should be winning this competition for being so lucky to land such an amazing wife.

Ok so maybe I didn't pick the most flattering picture of YOU... lol... But our wedding was pre-gym days. You have a much better-defined neck these days lol!

Amazing! You are like a cat, you died twice and came back! Lets not try again though! Keep going to the gym and keep getting healthier! Use your kick to kick all adversities!

Haha thanks, yeah twice was enough. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my entry :) was fun finding the photos to portray the luck lol.

While reading so many stories from Steemiens such as @insideoutlet, @soumon lol 😂 about his lost steemit password, @brigitte0659 and so many others “why they feel lucky” it made me share my story as well. I’m very shy person. Steemit platform was the first time I’ve ever shared something personal publicaly. Perhaps, because to me steemit feels like a family.

I feel lucky not getting killed in my 20’s when my friend took me for a ride with his new sport motorcycle 🏍. We crashed head to head with incoming car, both at speed of 60 mph. That day police called me flying @milano1113. My best childhood friend had broken leg, hand and surgery of his abdomen. I was not injured at all, instead they found me laying in shock between trees 90 feet away from the accident. I also feel lucky I didn’t kill myself when I bought my first car Dodge Daytona when I had a few moments feeling extremely lucky.

There are so many times when I felt lucky to be still alive. But one “I feel lucky” stands above all. It was about two years ago when our friend had been diagnosed for the third time with cancer. One of it was skin cancer “Melanoma”the worst cancer of all skin cancers. She told us and everybody she knew to get checked, to see doctor or dermatologist. If she wasn’t diagnosed soon anough, she would not be here with us anymore. About two weeks ago her 40 years old daughter passed away, she had a cancer. She left behind two small children and husband. I’m 40 years old as well, I lost my father when I was 10, but I can’t imagine the pain of mother loosing her child.

One day I went to the beach with my wife. It was a beautiful and hot day. We went swimming, we had a great fun when she noticed this strange tiny mole on my back. She immediately remembered our friend’s advise. We scheduled an appointment with our doctor. They took biopsy from my back and we thought it all was just a precautionary. After few days past I remember shopping with my wife when I had phone cal from our doctor. I immediately knew something was not right. I picked up the phone and doctor said “you have a skin cancer melanoma”. The same day I was immediately scheduled for surgery. Fortunately it didn’t spread to my blood. Today I feel lucky 🍀, because my wife noticed this very tiny mole on my back. We both got checked from toe to head and fortunately we are healthy and in a great shape today. I’m getting checked every six months, I had about 20 precautionary biopsies since then and everything seem fine. I encourage everyone to get checked for skin cancer. Even if you don’t see anything unusual, it’s worth it. Sometimes you can’t prevent accidents, but you can prevent in many cases this killer #1. Don’t wait! It can happen to anyone!

Strive on and live strong my friend.

Luck - success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.

For the past months I can surely say that luck was on my favor. I discovered the Steem blockchain "by chance" after I attempted to google something out of the blue. After which, I only waited for less than 2 days for the confirmation link which took many people weeks or even months to get.

Less than two weeks of being on here, I was lucky to get noticed by a "soon-to-be-dolphin" at that time @techslut because of how I did well on a Curation Engagement League something2 to which I also discovered "by chance" as it was the first thing on my hot list feed. I was also even far away from winning that one, most likely on 7th place, but I was still lucky to be the one chosen by her to be delegated some SP which tremendously helped me on my journey here on Steem.

So to answer your question, Yes! I think I am pretty lucky. XD

I once heard that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I've always felt pretty lucky myself. Raised by intelligent and hard working parents in one of the highest standard of living countries in the world. My parents taught me well from a young age so i was able to excel in school. I still remeber being complimented by many of my teachers and even one of them pulling me aside and telling me i have to gift to do what ever i want in my life as long as i stick to it and give it a full effort. My later day in junior high and highschool we're a breeze. I was able to get through with little to no effort. Good at most sport without much effort either, something i attributed to natural gifts. During and after college things were great, i had plenty of friends and parties, causually dated lots of beautiful women. That lead to a few longer term girlfriends. Landed a pretty decent job where i got to travel lots and see tons of beautiful places on my journies. Then a few years ago i got fairly sick with an immunological disorder that would require me to be on multiple forms immunosuppresants that were also used as chemotherapy to treat some forms of cancer. Once the medical problems started i lost my girlfriend at the time. She didn't seem to want to be around a sickly guy with an uncertain future like myself. After the first two medications i was on failed to treat my condition depression started setting in. The luck i had come accustomed to seemed to be a thing of my past. Well everything in my life seemed to be taking a spiral down to toilet I decided to text a girl i had met a few years previous that I had a crush on. Well things ended up going good and now we have a handsome young lad and my medical condition is starting to look very optimistic that i will likely not need another chemotherapy infusion. After having a lot of time to reflect where I've come from and where I am today I've come to the conclusion that luck is a lot about how you look at things. If you have people that love you, a roof over your head and some food in your belly then consider yourself very lucky because many people don't have these luxuries and it can all be taken away in seconds. A few things that can possibly increase your luck are having an optimisic point of veiw. Living life in the moment. Working hard. And strive to become one with the universe, you'll be surprised what she has to offer you. Love you all. Peace be upon you and stay blessed.

Yes...because I participate in this contest :)

I think yes
Interesting gift, easy job why not

Why do not you give very many gifts who is not interested?

who is not interested?
But contest is amazing


Am such a lucky person because i always be at the right place at the right time, and i make use of every opportunity that comes my way and i think that's the most lucky thing one could do for himself.

Very wonderful competitions I really wish to be a winner
The anthrax is really successful😍😍

Yes, I am fortunate, rather very fortunate, you know why ?, because I grew up in a home full of my parents' love, a humble home without luxuries where I learned those principles that help us to be better people. I had the opportunity to prepare myself academically and achieve a university degree. I am fortunate because I met and married the best man in the world, the best husband and the best father for my children, I have 2 beautiful children who represent the engine of my life. So, I can not ask for more from life. I have a home that little by little my husband and I have built and where we are very happy. In spite of the strong economic crisis that Venezuelans are going through today, I can still tell you that I am fortunate since we met Steemit and with this we have been able to resolve many of the debts we had. I am just lucky because my family and I are together, we are healthy and in spite of everything we are ALIVE.

by @norkamoran

15 sbd, not the least amount of bosses, the rewards are quite interesting, for one contest

15 sbd, not the least amount of bosses, the rewards are quite interesting, for one contest

אני ברת מזל, כיוון שכל כך הרבה דברים היו צריכים לקרות על מנת שאהיה חלק מן עולם הזה שזה מדהים לחשוב שלמרות ההסתברות הנמוכה זאת אני כאן...

עכשיו אני חושבת חיי למה ולאן ?
בשביל ההגינות, אומר שבתגובה זו ועם היוזר הזה (שכוונתי שישמש לפוסטים בענינים מדעיים...כמו סטטיסטיקה והסתברות למשל :-) )
אני לא משתתפת בתחרות שלך.
פשוט בא לי לשתף כאן בעוד כיוון של חשיבה, אז תודה על ההזמנה לתחרות שהעלתה בי את המחשבה!

Yeah I am a lucky person. Cause I lost my steemit password and my account value was near about 15 dollars. I already stopped doing work by this account. Fortunately one day when it crossed over 15 dollars that day I found a screen shot in my recycle bin folder. And OMG there was my password of steemit account what I am using right now @soumon.

Are you a lucky person and why?

Yes and not.

It's simple, I live in Venezuela one of the countries with the most homicides in South America, where we are going through a humanitarian crisis, there are no medicines, food is difficult to obtain, we are trapped here to a certain extent.
the times I have been robbed I have not received any shots or stabbings, you could say that I have a good immune system, I can eat at least once or more per day and best of all I still have the strength to keep going and fighting.

The luck is not more than the vision that we have on the things that can happen to us, already it depends on you if you think that it is good or bad.
Now i feel lucky to stay alive.

No, I'm not a lucky person. Because results I have gotten, are products of a conscious effort to get better and met set goals/milestones. The reward? Fulfillment and achievement. I'll be very worried, if I had to rely on luck. What happens when my luck runs out? I've never heard of the dividends of hardworking running out. Besides, when people usually say someone is lucky, they have no idea about the amount of sweat, tears and grinding that individual put in. Working hard puts you in a position to be seen.... This is what the "lucky crew" call luck.

I think I need to turn this into a blog entry. Lol. Have something similar though.

At the end though, it's not a yes or no question in general. It is, in specific instances. This is why I believe you asked for reasons. Cheers

what you say this word ..?

I am lucky!!!
It's because I am alive, had/have the chance to see the beauty of the World that was created by God, and also I because I have a loving family who supports me all the way.

no doubt i am a lucky person

in my childhood i keep myself in a general family.but i am now a service holder.


    i all time believe my religion.

in my childhood some time i didnt
get any money and food..but i all time try to repect others.but fall in down from those person that i respected. once i worked in a rich home . they torture me some time with harder. i was crying alone...
i never told anybody anything.but some time heared motivational speech. and beside work i start studying.and i becoming to gain success day by dout i study harder to change my luck..
now i am a bcs service where i worked as a worker in the rich man.

i am now the husband of his little daughter.
i worked hard and i gain a great success,,
thanks for posting contest

obviously i am a lucky person

i am a student of engineering. but i never
remain to be an my life i dont get any help from other.once i had no money. i went one of the rich person of my villege. he did't give me money.
so i decided to be a great person..and i got my turning point to a great life..
now my hard working keep me an engineering doubt i am a lucky person..thanks
from zero to become a great. i all time believe myself
thanks for contest

I am a very lucky person !
I was shot from almost zero distance, I was injured in my 2 hands..
I saw the end for a moment in the mouth of the gun I was shot from.
I waited for death for another shoot but I was saved ... I am still alive, do you beleive it ?
However, some people would say the opposite, I am not so lucky to be involved in such a coincedence.
What do you think ?

Yes I am a lucky person.
Because it can still breathe the air has become a very big favor.
And there are still many things that make me feel very lucky.
I can still write for this contest.
Although I live in a place some distance from the city, internet service is still fast so it can still play steemit

"I am 33 years old and I have been trading seriously for over seven years, I study everything myself, read books, forums and master the innate analytics tools in the terminal, the most important is to understand the chart and make decisions quickly. is a show of determination, learning and experience.I prefer short-term trading and usually not too long to hold positions.I use Bollinger bands, moving averages, draw trend lines and channels.I am looking for a reputable broker, paying attention to offered trading conditions as well as spreads for the instruments I'm interested in.

Tnx for the chance to open up in the matter 😎
I think I'm a lucky person because of one main reason: I try to give as much as I can to help the ppl around me, and thus giving me a lot of good vibes and energy to my circle of life. My belief is that good things come to good ppl. Besides that my life prooves it, I'm most happy with all the thing that concern others, like personal economy, relationships, my profession work and educational level.


Use your youth, before your time comes. Use your spare time, before your time comes. Use your healthy life, before your illness comes. Make the most of your life, before your death. As a result, I judge myself is still including people who are losers. Indeed, human beings are in disadvantage, except those who take advantage of the above. They are the lucky ones.

Hi@nomad-magus I really think am so lucky in many ways

  1. Am God’s special possession, that I may declare the praises of him who called me out of darkness into his wonderful light. I accepted Jesus as my personal savior at a tender age we all think being born again is our own effort but it takes the grace of God. So am really lucky that God chose me out my family not because I have something special but because of his mercy and love
  2. I have a shoulder to lean on when things are getting tough because I know Jesus is really close to me, he guidances me on how to live my life and a friend
  3. am lucky because I always expect good things to happen to me all the time and am positive
    thanks @nomad-magus

Thank you for this great contest @nomad-magus
Are you a lucky person and why?
The answer:
Yes I am a lucky person.
There are several reasons I can say that I am a lucky person.
The reason is that as long as the sun is still rising, it still shines in the morning, it to me is a sign that it still has hope to survive.
And although I've failed a few times. But I still survive. Failing is not a reason to despair. As long as I live I will keep trying to survive. Trying and being grateful is the key to success

I deserve a reward of 15 sbd from you.
because I need a lot of money to treat my child.
my child is seriously ill, and I have no money to cure my child.

hopefully my son is lucky.

I always thought that smart people could only be broken or defeated by luck. No matter how smart he is, if he is not lucky he will not get it.

In my life I had an accident while riding a motorcycle five times. I am lucky enough for this moment. Because it does not suffer serious injuries let alone broken or died. Until my friends always say you're lucky, do you spare life. 😁😁

In terms of education I am not a person but I always have a principle If I can not be a smart person then I must be a lucky. And this I can feel when in my grades class is not very good, but every test follow me often appear my name on the bulletin board that I graduated.

And the luckiest thing in my life, I joined the steemit platform and can follow the @nomad-magus contest. :)

Yeah I am the lucky person.
Cause i will get the 15 SBD prize without doing nothing.

My answer is probably not going to be as good as anyone else's, but I am a simple guy so my answer will be simple as well.

I am a lucky person because:

  • I am alive
  • I live in a truly democratic country (Australia) where I am free to say and do almost anything I like
  • I have a beautiful wife who loves me for me
  • My wife and I had a beautiful healthy son with no complications or health issues, almost three years ago. A lot of people these days are finding it hard to have children, requiring IVF and other assistive procedures
  • I have a decent paying job and job security
  • I have a roof over my head and we own our own house (well a mortgage)
  • I have access to clean drinking water, a toilet, hot water to bathe in
  • I eat three meals a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. I never have to worry about where my next meal is or if I am going to eat today
  • I am healthy and have no debilitating illnesses or disabilities
  • I can read and write because I was afford the privilege of being able to attend school
  • I have access to government subsidised healthcare and prescription medication. I can go see a doctor if I am sick and not have to pay anything.
  • I live in a safe area and can walk around day and night without fear of being assaulted or seriously hurt.

Sometimes luck is just acknowledging what you have, things that a large portion of the world have never had and wish they could have. I am lucky to be born in Australia and have what I have.

In our country namely Indonesia, especially Aceh province is one of steemit users very crowded. However I am very lucky to be able to contest your title.

Ecclesiastes 9:11-12 New International Version (NIV)
11 I have seen something else under the sun:

The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.

12 Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come:

As fish are caught in a cruel net,
or birds are taken in a snare,
so people are trapped by evil times
that fall unexpectedly upon them.

Looking at the quote above, you will wonder if there is anything like good luck or bad luck.

I will like to so answer this by quoting Jeremiah 1:5 King James Version (KJV)
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

I will end by saying I am lucky with God on my side.

Yes am a lucky person especially here on steemit because i have been enjoying so much love from person i have never met before, their kindness, care and support are amazing.

I'm a lucky person because I am here reading comments and joining the contest as well. Someone that managed to be here are all considered lucky because obviously we don't have poverty issue, no major health problems, nothing critical on us!! Therefore we are all lucky!!!

Don't you agree with me?

I'm lucky borne seven children and still alive.

I can't imagine myself how I do that, a 4 feet 11 inches small lady like me giving life for those beautiful human is a luckiest thing ever happened to me. My one foot is always in danger everytime my husband bring me to the hospital. Lucky me, coz' I still strong and alive until now.

Yes, I am a lucky person because I have a big happy family! I have 5 gorgeous girls and a loving husband! Despite all the challenges that we have encountered financial problems, death in the family(my mom just past away last year) we have conquered it all. My husband/partner now is my 2nd husband, he's the father of my youngest girl! For him to accept me and be the father my 4 other children is a wonderful blessing. He's my soul mate whom I've met at a perfect time that was set for both of us. We might not know how everything works in our lives but there is a certain bond that brought us together. I am lucky because I have felt that the universe gave me the other half of my soul in this lifetime! Thank you very much @nomad-magus for this awesome contest! :)


Thanks for sharing with us ♡

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this contest.
Luck is success or even failure brought by chance rather than personal effort. To understand our luck is firstly identifying where we have not made personal efforts. Then we outline whether we were successful or whether we failed at it. For me, I have been more successful than failing in my endeavors. Things tend to work out good for me despite my little or no effort.
Then I conclude, it can only be that I am a lucky chap!

Well I’m a lucky person and this I can explain and express in so many ways . But I’m gonna choose the main one I call the biggest luck this year and at all times


I’m lucky cause I’m alive


This explanation is simple and almost everyone who’s alive today can do this I’m about to do . So see it’s not by my power that I don’t have accidents which kills so many every day, I’m not perfect to to get shot by thieves, tyrants or stray bullets. I’m not so special to be able to put food on my table daily while so many die of starvation every daily and yearly

I’m not upright or righteous enough to say all the diseases and outbreaks couldn’t attack me but I was lucky, i was lucky to have parents who didn’t abort me and that contributed to my being alive today.

You see everyday we live, we face a thousand ways to die but I wasn’t a special agent to have dodged all those thousand ways to die. A lot die in their sleep, while walking , eating, giving birth , at birth, after birth and a lot more ways than I can mention at this moment. I’m not any holier than those that are gone . But luck has kept me

I’m just a lucky man cause I’m alive today

I'm I a lucky person? No.
Why? Well, people often say that life is unfair, but I'll counter that. Life is fair because it is unfair to everyone. Just like some will argue that often times I have made my way because I was at the right place with the right person at the right time. But isn't everyone given the same chance at some point in their life? I have made my mark on the sand, learned my lesson, did my homework, paid my dues and earned what I got. That's not luck, that's work.

yes .

I think, I deserve 15 sbd from you.
because I've made 1934 posts for 94 days.
I am a serious person in steemit.


Yes I'm lucky...!!!

  • Lucky in the sense that I choose to be successfully lucky.
    You know, one could also be lucky in the sense that he had bad luck.
    Life puts it as a choice before everyone.
    It's up to you.
    Choose your luck, life says! ! !

Why am I a lucky person?

I love my family more than anything.

They are the best.

We enjoy spending time together and laughing.

But few weeks ago, my mother was diagnosed with a tumour on her leg.

She had to go to a surgery to remove it... She was scared and we didn't hear her beatiful laugh.

It seems like the surgery was successful.

Any why do I consider myself the luckiest person?

Because I can see my mother laugh again.

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