I'm impressed how many people participated in my Exaggeration Contest! @ertwro , @apsu (thanks you two) and me had a hard time choosing the three winners, so I recommend you read through the comments yourself too, as it's a great source of entertainment!
And thiiiiiiis are the winning comments:
The 1st place and 10 Steem go to @hoopss !
Hi, I'm Daniel, I am the god of life. People love worshiping me because I can basically do everything. I am impossible to get, baby, I drink 6 tons of milk every day and I got 862 pets in my god's mansion.
In reality, my name is Dan, I am a nurse which basically means I help delivering babies to the world (life). I do a lot of things every day so my schedule is uptight. I am easy to get by girls. I hate milk for some reason I don't even know. I got 4 pets (one dog, two parrots, and a cryptokitty).
2nd place and 5 Steem go to @wanderingdanish !
am the Tree of LIFE! My branches reach far beyond the mortal realm of men, my roots provides nutrients to all those who resides beneath me and in my crown I bear every single living entity ever created. The dew of my leaves sustains the many lakes and vast seas of the world, the bark of my mighty stem provides enough materials for all humankind to build shelter and the power of my photosynthesis is so that all existing creatures can breathe fresh air.
I am omnipotent and can never be cut down!
Hi.. in real life my name is Jesper and I'm a 42x13 cm piece of discarded plywood with a few holes in it.
Love you all.. hug trees, don't cut them 😃
And the winner of the 3rd place and 3 Steem is @steemedchitty !
I'm Nelson, son of the Hero. I weave worlds with words and type them into existence. I'm the master of my own matrix. I can communicate with any human being capable of articulating sounds. My shaven head and manly beard are grandiose and have been the cause of many a war.
Read that? Well, get ready because in reality I'm much more amazing.
I'm Nelson, though few call me that. According to google it means "son of the Hero" and that sounds cool. I'm a writer, or rather, I aspire to be. I have several fictional worlds functioning inside my head at all times, waiting for the time in their history where I finally let them flow into paper (or a Word doc, honestly). I speak 4 languages (Spanish, English, French and German), so I'm a good asset to any mochilero group. My shaven head and manly beard are grandiose and have been the cause of one or two really small conflicts between aspiring beard and/or shaven head touches.
The Steem will be sent in a moment by @suesa (my main account). I hope you all enjoyed this and had fun!
Awww! How did I missed such a fun contest. @suesa-random are planning another exaggeration contest? I'm definitely gonna join if you do. Thanks and congrats to the winners.
Well, not an exaggeration contest, but I'm always open to ideas like that. With my main account, I'm doing "Suesa's Science Challenge" from time to time, which requires the participants to put in a lot more effort but the prices are bigger too.
That sounds really interesting too. I'm looking forward to it, hopefully it's something most people can do. Thanks for the reply.
Flattered to have made it onto the top 3! Thank you! I'm not exaggerating if I say this made my morning, hahaha!
It is entertaining to read those exaggerations! Congratulations to the winners, they do deserve it.
Woop woop having been without internet in almost 24 hours I finally made it back online to this sexy piece of a post! Thanks a lot @suesa for hosting and the other judges :D
good post , thanks for shearing this , its good idea and have possibility of participation in competition. Thanks
Thank you @suesa for creating this contest and thank you all also on my behalf for joining the contest. It was a tough job to go through all the comments (TWICE) and now I feel a bit better about myself.
You all should read them too in case you might learn something and get new ideas :)
Congrats to all winner...
Good jobs...
Amazing post and awesome Idea thank you so much for sharing
Wow! Seems I missed a lot. That was interesting.
great @suesa-random
winners please give me treat :)
😞wish I participated
For fear of missing out (FOMO) here is my exageration
Hi am Ivan,I have played at Barcelona with both Messi and Ronaldo,in a football club Raja Casablanca,yes I was the number 7 at times I wore number 10. Problem is Ronaldo wouldn't let me score because he was selfish,while messi passed me the ball everytime I looked in the mouth of the goal...all in all I like Messi more than Ronaldo.Am sorry if I hurt any feelings......Hope I win the next contest LOL
I will pitch my tent here for next contests.
My contest was better👎😟
Life's tough
What a cool contest. I would have joined in. If you are planning in another go, I would most definitely be there. I am following you. Hope to join more of your contests
congratulation to the winners, we others that participated and didn't win, better luck next time
It was kinda fun , I loved. The. Contest cus it gave me the opportunity to say some wonderful things about myself and I would love to be a constant participator in other upcoming contests of yours .much love @suesa-random
Hey, nice story line, it is interesting. I am following you, can you follow me @ xtophercruzeu thanks
what storyline? At least read a post before you comment spam and promote yourself.