New York Comic Con 2024 COSPLAY ~ Thursday Part 1

in #cosplay3 months ago


It’s been 5 long years since I’ve set up and exhibited at the New York Comic Con, or any large Convention for that matter. Covid happened and shut them down for a couple of years, and the initial shows that did give it a go after all of that fun were simply not up to par (in my opinion). The past year or so has seen these cons getting back into near full swing again, and that is why I decided to set up shop and give it a whirl once again. Well, that and the fact that a last minute cancellation opened a booth up days before the show. So I secured the spot and spent a very long week grinding out the show.

I kind of forgot how much these shows beat me down though. Lack of sleep, not chugging enough water, poor diet, and handling dirty money all day usually leads to me contracting what I call the Con Crud right after the show, and like clockwork…this time was no different. I spent the past week hacking up fluorescent goobs while having whatever little energy remained in my disappointingly shitty body being used to simply shiver for days. But alas, I’m on the mend and feeling much better now that the Crud has mostly run its course.

As for the show? It’s one I’d like to forget to be honest. I didn’t have the greatest showing as my location was in a strange spot. I took the only booth available due to a cancellation and while there was plenty of foot traffic passing by, it simply wasn’t “my crowd”.

I was strictly comic books this time. I had bargain boxes setup at $2 bucks each filled with nice juicy runs for those willing to dig in. I also had a nice selection of comic sets and miniseries that did decent in this setting. My wall books were the most surprising thing for me though. I had a killer selection of 1st appearances, rare variants, and other notable books occupying the backdrop. Yet none of the big books I expected to garner attention moved.

Not only was I the only dealer in the entire Javitz Center that had some of these ultra rare books, but I had the best priced bargain books on the floor. Yet, I didn’t have the killer show as my colleagues who were lumped and setup all together did. That was the difference for me. Location, location, location. I won’t make that same mistake again. Regardless, I still came out ahead and moved some product, got my feet wet once again after several years away from the scene, and got tons of photos of the hardworking Cosplayers that passed by my booth each day. So by those metrics, it’s a success and why I’m sharing these posts here with you.

For years, the cosplay posts always perform well here drumming up lots of conversation and interaction. I think this time will be no different. So today, I will share images of the fine dressed folks who stumbled into the 3300 isle. Each of these folks were asked politely if I could snap a photo and about 99% of them were very kind, appreciate the enthusiasm, and just love sharing these moments with fellow nerds. So without further ado, I present to you New York’s finest Cosplayers….Thursday Part 1…























These might be going on for a while folks. I took TONS of photos and it seems I’m limited with the amount I can upload. I’ll look into it for the next one to see if there’s a way to get more images here. Any help appreciated!



I think it's cool that people are passionate enough to dress up and get amongst it. Had a laugh about Hulk Hogan...or is that Chad Kroeger from Nickleback? 🤣



Yeah, I love the passion some folks have for this. Especially the ones that take a ton of time and efforts to create their getup. I snapped hundreds of pics & sone are really awesome. Some…not so much. lol.

I went to a mediaeval fair a little while ago, it was so awesome to see everyone in their costumes. I went as a man from the future so wore normal clothes. 😋

I've not been to a comicon. One day though.

That’s great. I’m so used to this stuff. It’s second nature, although I’m not sure I’d have the balls to do it myself. At least not in some skintight shit. Nobody would want that. lol

You should try to make it to one someday. The larger ones are more Pop Culture events than a comic con. Covers anime, gaming, comics, tv & film, toys, etc…

Those cosplayers really are dedicated. Sorry your sales were not so good, but I hope you had some fun.


Thx brother. It is what it is. Next one I’ll be prepared. There were several lessons learned this con.

Stay tuned for days of this. Lol

Very cool to share this with us Blewitt! Looks like a lot of fun :)

Yeah, these big shows are always a blast. Even if I'm stuck at my booth, there's still so much to take in. Lol

I have a big idea and plan for us to be set up at these shows in 2015 for Splinterlands/Hive. I'm putting together lots of notes and what I believe it will take to have a successful impact. Then I'll reach out to you and a few others to help me refine it and turn it into one of those snazzy proposals.

cool... let me know how I can help, I would be happy to do what I can to support that concept!

100% sir

Glad you got through the con crud! Cons are hard work, but in the end usually a good time, from both running a booth or buyer perspective I've found. My wife and I run a pretty large booth in a gaming show in Japan. It is so exhausting but fun. Of course shopping around and seeing what everyone else is doing is a lot of fun.

I think people are a bit fatigued with prices of comics, especially the big money books. Not sure how much longer the down trend will go but not a lot of people that want the big grails can actually afford them these days. 😅 I would really like a nice copy of Albedo #2. Maybe a first print TMNT #1. Probably my current goals. But I think I'd have to find someone willing to trade or I'd have to sell some of my collection first because just buying those right now would get me beaten by my wife. Maybe buried. 😖 Problem is, I don't really have much of a network so finding someone to trade with is unlikely. Probably best bet would be messaging eBay sellers and seeing if they'd trade instead but that comes with a bunch of its own problems. 🤷‍♂

Anyway... cool to see you back at it! And nice cosplay pictures. Awesome to see Hulkamania still alive today!

That’s awesome that you have some experience at these types of events as well.

Oooohhhhh…a TMNT 1 1st print is a grail book for sure. Not that a first Usagi is chopped liver, but man…that TMNT is a book I’d love to have in the PC as well. Hope that you are able to check that off at some point in the future.

My grail is and always will be an Amazing Fantasy 15. I’ll get there but it’s going to take some efforts.

Amazing Fantasy 15 is difficult. Especially since Spider-Man's popularity never wanes. Such an awesome character. You'll have it one day though. The real question is going to be what grade you're shooting for. 😅

Whenever I do add that badboy, it’ll most likely be a low grade copy. 2.0-3.0 range I’m thinking. It’ll probably be the last Spidey book I acquire. I’m putting together a full run of ASM and am only 15 issues away from the full run. Buuuut all of those 15 issues fall between 2-24. I have a 1, a smattering inbetween and 25 on.

One day…

Heck of a collection! That is a rough patch though, so many iconic villain firsts.

The closest I have to such a collection is Iron Man. Have 5.0 ToS 39 and Iron Man 1 through like... 600 or so across the various volumes. My Tales of Suspense collection is only about 12 books though. 😅

Haven't been collecting a ton lately though. Mostly indie stuff when I do. Obsessed with Usagi. My favorites are mostly 90s, early 2000s stuff that are short lived and easy to collect though. Battle Chasers, Warlands, stuff like that...

If I do go back for Marvel I think I'd prefer to concentrate on Daredevil.

Considering trying to sell off my Iron Man collection but not sure I can bring myself to do it.

My earliest ASM is #22. It is in pretty bad shape I think.

Hell of a collection you have as well my friend. tOS 39 is no joke. I have a copy as well sitting in my “press & grade” pile. I’ll get to it eventually. lol

At this point, I’m over most comic collecting. I’ll keep my ASM’s and continue to work on finishing that in time. I’ll aim for my AF 15 At some point, & ill keep my big keys fir the investment portfolio. But I want ALL of my comics, figures, toys, statues…gone! I’m over it. Just want to focus on those books mentioned above and Spider-Man related Original Art. Collecting the OA has been my favorite thing I’ve ever collected by far.

Keeping it focused is a great idea. Really lets you get those more important gems! OA is such an expensive hobby though. Every piece is like buying a super key or grail. 😅 Kind of better though because it is a one of a kind, not a 'not really rare but sort of rare' 'piece of history' that you can actually find anytime you want as long as you have the cash.

Let's Go New York City!!! The subways were thriving with costumes too!

Did you attend?

Nope. Nothing for me there as I'm not really a comic guy. Solely MtG and SPL, and I'm more into the collecting than the art/characters/lore.

Understood. Although I will say these are more of “pop culture” cons, housing everything covering the nerd spectrum. Except Splinterlands….for now…

Nobody would recognize me as Cryptic

Cool! Reminds me of the good old days when I used to go on cosplay conventions and you also got Doctor Blight in the house.

There were several Plague Doctors floating around at the con. I think I got a few pics of them coming up. Stay tuned!

Those are some cool af costumes right there! Though a bit of a shame there's no @blewitt pic. Don't wanna tell us what you went as, huh? (I refuse to believe you went simply as "comic book dealer")

While nobody wants to see me, I am in I believe 2 pics that I will be posting when they come up. I forget which days. I’ll tag ya so you can marvel at my mug. 😜

Thank you.

You are too sweet. ❤️

Shh, don't tell anyone ;)

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