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RE: Covid Keeps Killing Confident Christians

in #covidlast year (edited)

So far as I can tell, he's one person. You initially said employees, with an s, i.e. plural. Discovery Institute has a list of "200 scientists who doubt Darwin". Scientists are not incorruptible, they're human beings with political views. There's a lot of money to be made telling far right types what they want to hear, then selling them snake oil supplements, NFTs, etc.

"How is it that I don't know anyone who has died from covid including the 94 year old neighbor who is unvaccinated? "

I do. I don't know that this neighbor of yours is real. I know I exist however, and can personally verify everybody I know (including myself) is vaccinated, with zero harms.

"How is it then I know several people injured by the vaccine who got dupped into taking it?"

You don't. You know people with health problems they, or you, mistakenly attribute to vaccination, assuming you aren't just making them up entirely. Just becuse they say it's due to the vaccine means nothing, there are thousands of people who say they were abducted by aliens or saw bigfoot.

I cannot personally verify your friends exist, or suffered harms, or that those harms were vaccine related. I can personally verify I exist, that my friends and family exist, that we were all vaccinated and none of us suffered any harms.

"Before the "vaccine" came out how did we still have land whales riding the scooters around at Walmart??? if the virus was so deadly wouldn't take out those 652 pounders?"

It did kill a lot of them, most of the people in this article were of this type. You can see many more at

"Regardless of religion or political parties the product doesn't work ..... ANOTHER BOOSTER>>>>>>>ANOTHER BOOSTER...... ANOTHER BOOSTER...."

Boosters are only triggering to people who are afraid of vaccines, more broadly. I am a grown man, and as such, no longer afraid of needles. Getting more shots isn't a big deal for me, and it's not a new thing for vaccines to be delivered over multiple doses. Tetanus shots have worked that way since before I was born.


I guess continue to go off your observations and I will continue to go off mine. Good luck