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RE: Face Masks & Indigenous People: Am I - Are We - "Supporting The Narrative"? Please Check Your Privilege At The Door

in #covid19 • 3 years ago

I confess to being a chronic mutterer and an absolute eyeroll PRO. 😆

It's just too easy to see the world through our own lens, to be either-or and to consider that "our narrative" must be "THE narrative" for everyone on the planet. The longer I live (and I just clocked 58) the more I see the world and this existence as some kind of weird 1970's mirrored disco ball, refracting and reflecting only part of what is real.

I'd love to read more about how Australian indigenous communities feel about Covid and infectious disease, and how they few "safety" measures.


The problem is that these days you dont know what, or who to believe!