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RE: New Study Shows No Reduction In COVID19 Transmission Due to COVID Shots: "sole reliance on vaccination... needs to be re-examined"

in #covid193 years ago (edited)

So you know, I dont think you are anyone should be forced to take a vaccine. Others should work to still assist those who are hestiant like we assist those who just cant (for whatever reason). You may not be able to go to a big event as soon, but you always deserve food, shelter, and all those good things. If you dont want the vaccine, dont take it, but also dont get upset when you are still asked to wear a mask or keep more distance from me when speaking (more so while indoors). You cant work? I believe we should insure you can still eat, sleep, keep your residence. I am ok with "mandates" for testing or a vaccine for events or other things for now, but I sure wouldnt be ok without exiling you, like I think many who are hestiant feel. If you are being an out right ass hole about it, I don't hate you for it. I do hate people purposefully spreading disinfo, like the OP and the doctor you bring up. But so you know, I think you should take the vaccine if you are physicallay able to and if you're unsure speak to your actual doctor about it and those who specialize in the particular medical field, not the internet. I'm not going to tell you to fuck off if you were to shop at my store and not be vaccinated, I'd tell you and everyone else to wear a mask for the time being while indoors. We for sure need free fast testing if we are going to have any mandates for negative tests. Many events or locations do have this but I am still seeing many miss the mark.


So what you are saying is that it would be okay for someone not to be vaccinated to come into your store and shop but you want them vaccinated if they are doing to a big event, so making a profit off the unvaccinated is okay but not sitting near them? Is that people should lose their jobs if they provide for them to keep food, shelter, etc., or you are not in favor of them losing their jobs? Since the vaccinated are more contagious if they catch the delta variant shouldn't they also have restrictions against them?