in #craigrant8 years ago

Korean: 내 최고의 사람을 만나. 그는 Craig Ggrant입니다.**
Spanish: Conoce a alguien que es mi mejor. Él es Craig Grant **

Meet some one who is my best. He is Craig Grant

Korean:나는 크레이그 그랜트 (Craig Grant)의 팬이다. 더 많은 것을하고 싶다면 간단히 따라해라. @ craig-grant 그리고 모든 새로운 글을 읽으십시오. 그는 최고입니다.
Spanish:Soy un gran fan de Craig Grant. Si desea hacer más, simplemente siga @ craig-grant y lea todas las nuevas publicaciones. Él es el mejor.

I am a big fan of Craig Grant. If you want to do more, simply follow @ craig-grant and read all the new posts. He is the best.

The richest man in the world started a church that worships money... dam, why didn't I think of that... Craig :)

Negative energy represents separation, emotions, and the moon.

It's already there, just be aware.

To experience a natural time machine, climb a tree and take a nap on a limb.

0 = nowhere ... 01 = now here.

I ignore my imagination, to stay physically free.

Being self aware is an experience I know, not information I believe.

When there's no emotion involved, it's neither easy or hard, it just IS.

She is @yuliana


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Follow @craig-grant if you want to fly :)