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RE: I Tremble - Poetic Musing on Grief

in #creativebot8 years ago

Grief is so raw, so personal - but, I too love it. @uniwhisp is right, saying it sounds strange, but, it is so powerful, enough to make me stop and just be, trying to make words out of my thoughts, order to my brain, but, there is that heart ripping, tear jerking emotional roller coaster that is taking me for a ride.

This is an amazing piece, Janelle and I just want to pat those words and say there, there... things will get better, but, sometimes they just don't. Brilliant writing. Thank you! tip!


Thank you for this wonderful and spiritual encouragement. We are all here on this journey called life experiencing things that make us who we are.

Your support is humbling and encouraging. To open the vault sometimes into our private thoughts is often like jumping off a cliff. I liken it to the writing on the wall in a cave somewhere dark and deep with an arrow pointing "this way."

When I was going through my darkest hours after the deaths that devastated me, I was alone except for God and I was furious at him.

Loss and suffering is a teacher unlike any other and those who stumble toward the light are rewarded with more than they can imagine.

Thank you for your beautiful comment and so generous tip!

It is I that should be thanking you for sharing such an intimate piece of you. xo

❤ I'm happy it was well received, dear one.

Beep beep. Hi @wandrnrose7!
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Yes, @dswigle, life is better now and the grief has been worked through. There are always fragments, but I have learned to move forward with a richer understanding of things just higher than this human plan. Thank you 💕🌹❤

I can feel the deepness. Nothing you say or do, but, it is there. How weird is that?

I am happy life has sorted itself and worked through. Always leftover pieces. Always. God Bless you, woman.

I am often told that about deepness. I say I'm an old soul, I suppose, but that's apparently where the poetry flows from. Perhaps it makes me more approachable by some. We are such complex beings, aren't we?

God bless you, dearest.

Perhaps, but, I have a feeling that it is just you. The poetry flows from the depth of your hell, but, I am sure it has evolved over time as you have allowed for an emotional wash of your heart take place.

Complex indeed I never wanted to grow up. Being a kid was so much more fun. :)

Yes! I remember roaming the woods and hills with no more thought than what new adventure lay ahead. ❤

Ah, yes. Those were the days and we didn't even realize it.