
Since I made that Brave New World post, it seems like a lot of the info crossing my plate has to do with "Bread and Circuses" approaches to tyranny, with a little "Dumbing Down" policy thrown in; center-of-focus effect, maybe, it just seems strange

Damn. Moment of Honesty. I have still NEVER read Aldus Huxley's Brave New World, or seen any film adaptation. That is something I've been meaning to remedy, but somehow always get distracted.

I thought it was boring as hell when I had to read it back in HS. Actually reading and paying attention to the intro made a huge difference, andmy excitement levels are different

In HS, 1984 with it's secret police, and Winston's desperate struggle for freedom caught my attention...the pack of doped out drones in BNW did nothing to get my attention