Major Bitcoin/Ethereum Exchange: Ethereum Classic is a Scam

in #crypto7 years ago

It seems all year long, the digital currency community has been abuzz over Ethereum. From its meteoric rise in January, moving from less than #1 USD in value to over $15 USD by mid-February, to the innovative, but ill-fated DAO experiment, Ethereum has been all over the news.725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy85NzY2MDk0YmQxZTAyYmQ3MWFmNzQyZjMyYjYwMjY0Yy5qcGc=.jpg
This won’t abate anytime soon, as the recent fork and emergence of an “Ethereum Classic” has created a new storm of controversy, leading one leading Bitcoin exchange to attack.