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RE: NOIA - An Efficient Content Delivery Infrastructure

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

I am working on a little review on the NOIA network. That is one hell of a question I would've love to asked. To my own understanding, worker nodes are decentralized therefore, any of such nodes that might temporarily go offline due to some reasons... probably power failure to the node or some unforeseen faults that strike the node, Contents can still be delivered via other nodes that are interconnected to the faulty one that went offline. In order words, there should be a kind of computation (AI computation and Blockchain decentrality) that immediately swap connection between a clients seeking an information through the faulty node of the NOIA network to another one that is online. The Content Scaling Layer JS library should be responsible for this swapping since it search for research from the cloud controller and distribute to Master's node that assigned these contents to caching free or unused nodes.

I hope this comments help you.

@jadams2k18, You can also respond to this comment as this is my own understanding and my possible solution to situation specified by @ced000 in his comment.